Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Although later, the head of the family passed to his mother's father, her grandfather.

But shortly after, his mother's grandmother died, and her grandfather supported the family for more than two decades, and also went. Then the family owner was taken away by that little third son.

Then the family climate changed completely.

Through the description of Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan probably understood the basic situation of the Feng family.

"That is to say, in the Feng family, those are not your blood relatives. The death of your grandma and the death of your grandfather are likely to be the hands and feet of those people, and your mother was persecuted by them. In this family, your only relative now is your mother. "

Feng Sujin listened to Jun Mohan's brief summary of the meaning, and she nodded, "Well, this is the case, but I don't know where my mother is now. You said that your mother was not in the Feng family, but I still don't worry. I want to see for myself. After all, there are many secret organs in the family. Maybe my mother is hiding somewhere. I am worried. "

When she said these words, Feng Sujin's face was all white, and she was nervous.

As for the safety of her mother, she dared not take it lightly.

"Since those people are not your loved ones, we don't have to worry about what we do. I will accompany you to find your mother."

For Jun Mohan, Feng Sujin's mother is now his mother.

Feng Sujin thought for a while and thought, "Wait till the evening, the night is the blind spot of the family system, and also the time for all bodyguards and guards to change positions."


On the other side, after Li Fei'an blew himself up, he escaped and returned to Manliu Villa by secret method.

But because of back-bite, he was also severely injured.

He gasped, holding on to see his grandpa.

His grandfather was the elder of Manliu Mountain Villa. He spoke in Manliu Mountain Village, and everyone did not dare to listen.

The elder saw that his grandson was covered in blood, and came back with an injury. He was angry, "who dares to hurt my grandson is impatient!"

With a quick drink, the elder hurriedly asked people to heal his grandson.

Li Fei'an was about to faint, taking a breath and telling his grandfather important things.

"What's the matter, wait until you're alright, your injury matters."

"Grandpa, cough ... this matter is important and may be of great help to you."

Li Fei'an knew that his grandfather had always wanted to fight for the title of villa owner.

Manliuzhuang appears calm, but it is also undercurrent.

His parents died early. He was brought up by his grandfather. His grandfather was a relative.

He knew he couldn't die, but if his grandfather succeeded and united with the big family forces, he might not be the owner, and he could inherit the position of owner in the future.

Thinking, Li Fei'an's eyes flashed a vicious light.

The elder is also a person with a lively mind. He uses no means to achieve his purpose. Hearing is very helpful. Does his mind turn around?

He immediately made everyone quit.

Then the grandparents mumbled in the room and didn't know what to say.

When the elders re-emerged, his face was unpredictable.

He took care of Li Fei'an, and he was going to take a personal trip to the Feng family.

If he can use the power of the Feng family, he will have a chance to win the title of landlord in the future.

After all, if he helped the Feng family, the owner would also owe him a favor.

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