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Elder Li's face also changed. His face turned pale, and he couldn't help sweating.

The blood palace is the real demon power of the second layer. Although the blood palace retired decades ago, the strength and heritage of the blood palace once shocked everyone.

Did it really mess with the blood house?

"Did that person use the power of the blood palace?"

Feng Jianlie's hands on her side also held up, her expression tense.

Only momentarily, he made the decision, "Kill ... kill the man!"

Now that he has started, in order to prevent Blood Palace from discovering it, he can only kill him.

If you kill him, no one will know.

People in the Blood Palace will not know.

Because he broke into his Feng family, he was killed only as an assassin, who could say anything.

When the elder of Manliu Village heard of Feng Jianlie's order, he had to scare his legs on the spot, OK?

Blood Palace?

Could this Feng Jianlie be impatient?

People in the blood palace dare to mess with it.

He lived a long time, and he naturally knew the legend about the Blood Palace.

I heard that it was the remnant of the blood in the legend.

The legendary blood race is a terrifying existence.

Although it is said that the blood family no longer exists, the blood palace is related to the legendary blood family, and it also has the heritage, and the treasure left by the blood family.

If the Blood Palace was not retired, who would dare to come out and be so arrogant?

Elder Li felt the sweat on his forehead and looked at Feng Jianlie. He thought that he would leave here quickly.

Although he has ambitions, it is the most important thing to protect himself and to do something else with his life, right?


When Feng Jianlie said the command just now, Jun Mohan heard it, and then looked coldly.

When Feng Jianlie met such a pair of eyes, for some reason, he felt that his whole body was frozen.

Why does this man have such a strong light.

Jun Mohan watched Feng Jianlie mobilize the people of the Feng family.

If you delay further, Feng Jianlie will call out the strong men in the family, and it will not be so easy for them to leave.

Jun Mohan said to Feng Sujin: "Ajin, if we have enough, we will withdraw!"

The reason why Jun Mohan fights against these people here is a waste of time. In fact, he wants Feng Sujin to improve his strength, understand combat skills, and understand that Feng is the strength level within the family.

Feng Sujin naturally knew what Jun Mohan meant. It was almost time and they could leave.

Feng Sujin nodded, "Let's withdraw!"

Jun Mohan embraced Feng Sujin, jumped across the sky, the light burst, and the two disappeared in place.

Feng Jianlie's face suddenly changed, and he reacted instantly, "call out the blue marks, hunt, kill the beast, hunt ..."

Feng Jianlie jumped out in an instant and was ready to shoot in person ...


But at this time, Jun Mohan had quickly left with Feng Sujin.

At a small alley, the two people hid in a hidden room.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Feng Sujin nodded, "I feel like I've just moved my bones. In fact, can I just take out the master order?"

Jun Mohan touched Feng Sujin's hair, knowing that she had just done it with ease, he was relieved.

"If you take out this house order, that Feng Jianlie might not let your grandpa down."

Feng Sujin sighed, "Yeah, this token is temporarily unavailable."

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