Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Just when Feng Sujin and Jun Mohan and Huan Yueyan finished eating and were ready to continue on their way, someone in the restaurant broke up.

Before Feng Sujin and Jun Mohan waited for a response, Volley hit him all by himself.

Jun Mohan shot and wrapped Feng Sujin's waist, avoiding the person who bumped into him at the same time, and at the same time struck back the opponent with a strong energy.

Huan Yueyan cushioned the person who came over, caught it, and placed it on the ground, so as not to let the person hit the ground and be killed.

"Who are you, dare to control our Dongchu family!"

An arrogant voice fell, and then a bursting cyclone attacked here towards the magic moon.

Dongchu family!

Huanyueyan naturally thought of the Dongchu family's behavior, arrogance and cruelty, especially the young lady, peeling.

On such occasions, Yueyue Yan doesn't know if she should do it.

She looked in the direction of the master Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin is the shortest guardian. Seeing that Yueyueyan is standing there, she will be injured by the cyclone of the Dongchu family. She quickly rotated and came to the front of her, blocking her strong wave. cyclone.

At the same time, she was running the power of the Phoenix magic, and a shadow of a bursting fist blasted directly at the person just now.


The person from the Dongchu family did not respond at all and was detonated directly.


He spit out a bloodshot, and his eyes flashed with icy suffocation. "You ... you dare to do something to my Dongchu family."

Feng Sujin said coldly: "The Dongchu family is so unreasonable. We stand here well. It is you who threw people out and almost hit us. We are self-defense. Besides, it was just your arrogance and excitement that moved me. Sister, what about my shot. "

Feng Sujin won't look for things for no reason, but she is extremely short-guarded. If someone hits people around her, she will never fight back.

Besides, she has never been that weak.

The person from the Dongchu family looked at Feng Sujin and sighed angrily, "Let me die, let me see how powerful our Dongchu family is, and dare to confront our Dongchu family."

"These people have grown up like this, and we can just ..."

The members of the Dongchu family thought about dedicating these people to the young lady, so their faces changed for a while.

"Listen, kneel down and ask for forgiveness, and follow us to the Dongchu family, we may spare your life."

Feng Sujin naturally thought of the style of the young lady of the Dongchu family, and there was a cold light in her eyes. "Even if you kneel down and ask for mercy, I won't spare your life and dare to speak like this in front of us. I don't think you want to live anymore. "

The Dongchu family suddenly became angry, and no one dared to talk to them like this, "Let's go to death!"

For a time, the five or six members of the Dongchu family all shot in the direction of Feng Sujin.

Magic Moon Yan would respond, "Master, I'll do it."

Feng Sujin nodded: "Yueyan, you remember, we don't cause trouble, but it doesn't mean we can let people bully. When it's time to do something, don't hesitate.

Hearing this sentence, Huan Yueyan suddenly understood.

Her strength had already recovered. Those who didn't have long eyes dared to yell at her and dared to threaten her like this.

What's special, she should teach these less-than-expected people well.

Isn't it the Dongchu family?

Show them how powerful she is.

Magic Moon Yan jumped directly into the sky, and the cyclone on her body burst.

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