Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan didn't know if this Taolin was the Taolin in the bracelet space or the Taolin in his dream.

The two Taolins seemed to overlap, leaving him wondering where it was real and where it was illusory.

It seems that the Taolin he saw in his dream was different from that in the bracelet space.

It feels like it is surrounded by clouds.

As if it were a peach forest on the sky.

The other part of the Peach Blossom Forest is a palace, which seems to be shrouded in cloud and mist, exuding a touch of fairy.

Man holding little girl and went in.

He seemed to look at all the scenes through the clouds, but he also had a sense of sorrow, too unreal, maybe a dream.

But if it is a dream, why is there such a sense of clarity.

The scenes are constantly changing, but they are all scenes in Taolin and the palace.

Still the man and a little girl.

The man seemed to be teaching the little girl carefully.

But he couldn't see what they looked like.

Occasionally, he could hear the girl's crisp silver bell laughter.

Little girls also play in Taolin, and sometimes men also take their hands and walk in Taolin.

It really looks very warm.

Just as Jun Mohan looked at these scenes, suddenly he seemed to hear the sound.

It was like a man sighing, "Jin Er, Jin Er ..."

Such a voice, screamed, with too much emotion.

Jun Mohan's head hurt sharply, and he seemed to return from the clouds and mists in his dream. He suddenly showed Feng Sujin in his sleep.

He seemed to be able to perceive that Feng Sujin's body was very bad now, and she seemed to be desperate ...

Jun Mohan did not know why, and his heart had a very strong pain.

Then he hit him, and he woke up forcibly.

Jun Mohan, who was forced to wake up from Shen to wake up, didn't look well, his face was very white, and his body was full of blood.

But he couldn't care less about his own body. He braced himself, went out of the bracelet space, and saw the desperate Feng Sujin.

"A Jin ..."

This sound seemed to come from ancient times, with a sigh of sigh and too much emotion.

Even Jun Mohan didn't know. This soft shout brought too many emotions in his heart, which was complicated, but with deep distress.

Feng Sujin was still desperately practicing, and suddenly heard a sigh, she even thought it was her illusion.

Feng Sujin's movements in his hands made her whole body stiffen, but her heart trembled.

She smiled slightly, then shook her head and muttered to herself: "Maybe there is another hallucination."

Feng Sujin murmured to himself and was heard by Jun Mohan, making his heart hurt a lot.

It hurts a lot.

Jun Mohan's eyes glowed red, as if bleeding, and he trembled his heart and continued softly, "Ajin ..."

Even if he wanted to amplify his voice, but because his heart was hurting, his voice was heavy.

Feng Sujin heard this time, and she suddenly turned her head.

Suddenly she saw Jun Mohan in front of her, and her eyes suddenly released a bright light.

Feng Sujin was surprised and excited, "Mo Han, you ... are you awake?"

So fast?

Feng Sujin is very happy.

She went up to hug Jun Mohan with excitement, hugged very hard, her heart was beating happily.

Jun Mohan watched Feng Sujin's reaction, a slight smile twitched her lips, and touched her hair. "Wake up temporarily."

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