Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

A blood spilled from the corner of Feng Sujin's mouth. She could not care about the internal injuries of her body. She worked hard and jumped out of the air.

However, the blood mist in the blood array seemed to be spiritual, and was completely chasing after Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin leapt into the air, and the blood mist chased her, forming a vortex to bind her up again.

At this time, Feng Sujin was ready to summon the lord.

But before she could speak, she felt a red light flashing in front of her, and then the blood mist around her disappeared.

Feng Sujin looked at it, and then saw the blood-swallowing bead in the air.

The blood-swallowing bead was spinning, spinning swallowing all the blood mist, blood gas.

Feng Su Jinzhen looked.

She knew that only her husband could control the swallowing of blood.

"Hmm ... click ... Boom ..."

The blood sacrifice array was thus broken.

The blood sacrifice array method relies on blood, and the blood is swallowed by the blood beads, and the array method is naturally broken.

So after the formation was broken, Feng Jianlie was backswept again.

Many powerful members of the Feng family were backswept twice in a row and suffered serious internal injuries.


Many people fell to the ground for a while.

Even Feng Jianlie staggered and stood still.

He couldn't believe it, his eyes were staring deadly, he didn't understand what the bead suddenly appeared in the air, and he swallowed everything, especially blood mist.

This is unbelievable and makes people unbelievable.

Is there something like this?

Feng Jianlie was shocked and frightened when he saw Feng Sujin at this moment.

This little mess is so strong that there are so many treasures on it.

He took out the clan formation, but he couldn't help this little mess.

Feng Jianlie's hate was itchy at this time. In order to catch this little mess, he really did lose his blood. The same loss was serious. So many strong people died. Now, the Feng family has so many people died So many people were injured.

Looking at the crowd on the ground, Feng Jian's blood rushed up, his eyes were dark, and he almost fainted.

He could see that the bead was constantly spinning, and the speed of rotation was getting faster and faster. The red beads even emitted a bright red dazzling light, and enveloped the entire house of the Feng family all at once.

Feng Jianlie's eyes widened, as if he saw a figure behind the bead.

But because of the red glare, he couldn't see clearly at once.

But he was sure that someone was controlling the bead.

It was a man with long flying hair, and although the figure was stingy, it gave a strange feeling.

For some reason, it makes people feel cold and chilling.

Feng Jianlie has an instinctual fear.


Feng Sujin looked up, looked at swallowing blood beads, watched the swallowing blood beads rotate and emit a dazzling red light.

At this time, she saw a figure appearing behind the swallowing blood beads.

A long figure, a flowing long hair fluttered in the wind, and a broad robe seemed to be flying in the wind.

He seems to be just a light and shadow, a virtual shadow, not a physical one.

Feng Sujin looked a little obsessively, and she felt that the figure was so familiar to her.

Is it ... is it her husband?

At this time, Feng Sujin saw the person's appearance, which was exactly the same as Jun Mohan, except that his eyes were demon-red.

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