Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

The sound in the distance made Feng Sujin feel familiar.

"Buzz ..." sounded in Feng Sujin's ear.

There seemed to be a jingle of jingle bells.

This sound made the whole body tense from the distance.

And the direction of the sound seemed to emit a ray of light.

That light was so bright, it seemed to carry strong power.

Feng Sujin can feel the power of this force.

Her hands were still on Jun Mohan's body, and she seemed to realize something, her hands shook.

Her heart was tense and she couldn't breathe.

She was afraid.

This sound, this scene reminded her of the scene in the Dark Forest before.

At that time, a group of people suddenly appeared and took Jun Mohan away.

These people should be the forces of the second layer.

After she came to the second level and met with Jun Mohan, she seemed to have forgotten to ask him these things.

She didn't know who those people were.

Today, these people have appeared again, and Feng Sujin knows what they seem to do almost without thinking.

Nothing more than to take away Jun Mohan.

Thinking of this, Feng Sujin's whole body was so tight that his heart lifted.

She looked pale.

She is clever, thinking of many things and situations in the second-tier world, as well as those words that Feng Jianlie said, and what Xi Qiao Yeche just said.

There was a flash of light in her mind. Was it someone in the blood palace?

Those people who suddenly appeared in the Black Demon Forest are also the forces of the Blood Palace?

She didn't know what the blood palace was, nor did she know what the blood palace was, but it was during this time when she came to the second floor that she heard the word blood palace several times.

She could feel that this should be a huge force in the second layer.

Feng Sujin squeezed her lips tightly.

She bit her lip with her teeth and whispered, "Mo Han, Mo Han, what happened to you? Mo Han ..."

No matter how Feng Sujin spoke, Jun Mohan had no voice, and his body was still cold and unresponsive.

Feng Sujin's anxious heart was burning with flames, pain and fear.

"Mo Han ..."

Feng Sujin shouted his name now, his voice was trembling.

Feng Sujin's orbital fever.

Jun Mohan looks like this now, she doesn't know what to do.

Who can tell her what to do, and who can she ask?

Feng Sujin's head was blank, and she didn't know how to think or react.

But in an instant, she suddenly recovered some sense.

Feng Sujin wanted to bring Jun Mohan into the bracelet space, but this time, he couldn't get in.

Feng Sujin can feel that it may be because she is very weak now, and the power in her body can't open the bracelet space at all.

Feng Sujin hates her weakness and hates her weakness now.

Taking a deep breath, she gritted her teeth, and Jun Mohan on her back, using the only strength in her body, began to volley.

In any case, she will take Jun Mohan out of here.

This time, we can no longer let those people take Jun Mohan away.

At this moment, rays of light chased from not far away, and, like dense arrows, shot around Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin was carrying Jun Mohan and had to avoid these killings. All actions were restricted.

Feng Sujin can only temporarily fall on a tree not far away.

She turned and looked back at the killers.

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