Chapter 3055: Ice sculpture

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin still wanted to lie down for a while, but when she was sober, she realized that she seemed to be going far away today, and she all woke up.

She got up quickly.

After washing, when I went downstairs, I saw Jun Mohan and his son in the living room on the first floor.

Jun Mohan held his son in his arms and didn't know what to say to his son, but his whole body exudes a soft light, so charming and charming.

Feng Sujin looked at it, stopped her footsteps, and watched such a warm and touching scene, she wanted to keep watching.

Jun Mohan got up early in the morning. After washing, he found that his son also woke up energeticly and stuck him to him.

He used his morning time to accompany his son.

Jun Mohan was very patient when treating his family.

He was telling a story to his son, and he was building blocks for him.

Feng Sujin can see that his son seems very happy, his hands are shaking constantly, and he seems to be screaming, Dad, Dad's.

Although the word is a bit unclear, it can also make people hear what it is called.

Listening to her son's cheerful voice, Feng Sujin felt her heart melted.

Looking at the interaction between the father and son, a sweet and warm smile was evoked in the corners of her mouth.

Feng Sujin stood quietly in the stairwell, watching, and the whole person had a sense of satisfaction.

Jun Mohan accompanied his son for a while, and seemed to feel something. He turned around and saw Feng Sujin.

Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin glanced at each other, and the two men smiled in isolation. There was a moving light in their eyes, and the light in their eyes carried strong emotions.

That kind of affection, they understand each other.

Jun Mohan bowed his head and said to his son, "Your mother is here."

Xuan Jun Zhixuan instantly raised his head and looked towards Feng Sujin, and began to scream, "Mom, mom ..."

The pronunciation of his bite is not very clear, but Feng Sujin can understand it clearly.

Feng Sujin hurried over to reach out and took the son into his arms from Jun Mohan's arms, and kissed his cheek hard.

Then he froze and felt his son's skin was good.

Looking at his son, Feng Sujin felt that the whole person was so happy and had no troubles.

"My son is so good."

When Feng Sujin hugged her son, she could feel her heart melted.

The two accompanied the child for a while, had breakfast together, and gave Xuan Jun Zhiyuan to his parents to take care of them, and then set off.

The Bing clan is a mysterious and ancient clan, and ordinary people do not even know the Bing clan on weekdays.

If it wasn't for Lan Beichen's previous mention of the ice tribe, she wouldn't have known it at all.

But Jun Mohan knew it, and Feng Sujin didn't know what Jun Mohan was going to pick up. She asked on the road, and he didn't say.

Jun Mohan took Feng Sujin to a plane and stopped on a land. The two got off the plane and drove into a valley.

After many detours, the two talents reached the boundary of the Bing clan.

There are many ice sculptures on the border, but after entering, people do not feel cold, as if it were an ice world.

"It's strange that the temperature is not cold, but these ice sculptures can exist."

"There are special ice beads that keep these ice sculptures intact."

Feng Sujin nodded while listening to Jun Mohan's explanation. She has also seen many mysterious races before, so it is not surprising.

However, she felt that the Bing tribe was very beautiful. When walking in, she would see some people wearing exotic styles.

It seems that knowing Feng Sujin's doubts, Jun Mohan explained: "The Ice Clan is also a mysterious clan, which is also equivalent to an ancient country."

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