Young Military Rarities

Chapter 332: -Cold Cloud Early Night

Compared to the room that Yun Yao carefully arranged, the cold and cold night room of Yunyao is monotonous. In the back bedroom, except for a large bed and two nightstands, there is only a set of push-pull wardrobes. Ye Han didn't care about thirty-seven and twenty-one, hugged Yunji and kissed him fiercely. The two kissed her all the way from the door to the lobby, and then from the lobby to the bedroom. Yunji's red lips were pinched and turned redder. .


The fiercely entangled two fell on the big bed together, and Leng Yehan shredded and shattered Yun Yun's red shirt, and a large white chest skin was exposed to the air. Leng Yehan, who was above, suddenly breathed heavily, just thinking When pressed down, Yun Zheng pressed his feet against his chest, ignoring his questioning look, and rolled over and pressed him under him.

"Don't you say I can play as much as I want? Brother Shi wants to regret it?"

Sitting cross-legged on his waist and belly, Yun Yan leaned very charmingly and leaned close to his ears. After that, the naughty little tongue also licked the edge of his ear. No surprise, cold Yehan's body Immediately stiff, wheezing, "How do you want to play?"

God knows how hard it took him to restrain himself without directly overwhelming him, these words just popped out of his teeth.

"It's very simple. Brother Shi is not allowed to move. Just let me come."

Holding his body and looking down at him with a smile on his face, Yun Yan's eccentric hand point around his chest seductively around the circle. When they entered, Leng Yehan had taken off his clothes excitedly and walked with his fingers. On his naked chest, it was undoubtedly the most potent aphrodisiac, and the burning desire deep in the black eyes became more and more fierce, almost burning him.


Gritted his teeth and said a word, Leng Yehan now had only his thoughts in his head, and a tall tent was set up between his legs. The meat rod with a considerable size visually broke the crotch.

"Ha ha……"

Yun Yan smiled, and didn't know where to touch him to bring an eye mask, and then stabbed him to the point, leaving no **** left. The thick and long meat stick that had stood up was amazingly impressive. Yun Zheng deliberately flicked the top of the meat stick with his fingers, and accidentally heard Leng Yehan's aggravating panting, and then he pulled back and took off his clothes.

"Sister Shi don't move, I think we should start from there."

The temperatureless body was naked on his body, and his long, white forefinger slid from his face to his neck, wrapped around the protruding throat knot, and slowly slid to his chest. The nipples, which were slightly dark in color, trembled slightly. Seems to be waiting for the cricket, but Yunji's fingers bypassed it, and the next piece depicts the **** and strong abs. When his hand slides to the pubic hair above the meat stick, Yunji's body also slides down He knelt between his legs.

"Little brother is like this, it is better to start from here."

Holding the trembling meat stick, Yun Yan leaned down and stretched out his hot tongue. Using only the tip of his tongue, he licked from the root to the top. Leng Yehan's breathing was disturbed by a few beats. Yun Yan's movement was extremely slow. Gently flick the two scrotums, and the tip of the tongue is still finely depicting fiddles in the folds of the foreskin, as if you were to lick the place.

"Well ..." Open your mouth and hold him ... "

Leng Yehan reached out to cover his back of the head, and pressed his head firmly on his meat stick. He couldn't see it when wearing a blindfold, and Yun Yan also blushed. After all, it was their first night, remembering deliberately After watching the small video, Yun Yan raised his eyes to see his reaction. He held the meat stick and flicked it a few times to completely free the glans from the foreskin. He used his tongue to lick from the slit under the glans to the top. Open the mouth as much as possible to swallow the whole meat stick until it can no longer be swallowed. The cheeks shrink back and forth a few times, and the meat stick suddenly swells in the mouth.

"Well, that's it ..." Be careful with your teeth ... "Hmm ..."

Leng Yehan, who couldn't see anything when wearing a blindfold, was even more keen. His fists clenched tightly against the mattress, and his strong thrill went straight to his head.

The thick meat stick made Yun Zhi a little overwhelmed. He had to withdraw a little, and the hot and smooth mouth put the meat.

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