Young Military Rarities

Chapter 333: Arrive at the base of Beijing (2)

With them to follow, can only be honest, unfortunately, a great opportunity.

Look at Brother Che's expression, and she must be thinking about what harms others. "

Catching the flickering evil spirit on his face, Zhou Zeyu spoke again, but after receiving Yun Che's warning look, he immediately changed his voice to "Not Brother Che, I mean, it ’s okay to think slowly, I like it Your good ideas. "

"Xiao Zhouzhou, you have a bad level of ass, you are afraid of getting on the horse's legs, be careful that your master will kick you to death."

The bang became the size of an ordinary Tibetan mastiff. Black Feather had a tone of training last second, and immediately next to the owner, the dog leg said, "The world's most handsome, best and best master. Come back to your base. "

"When have you been so kind? Please don't scare us?"

Seeing this, Zhou Zeyu immediately ridiculed him, and when Black Feather's head fluttered, "You know how to fart, pretend to have a pretense posture. This beast is called a king. To that pestle is a bully to coax. You look for me. "

The master's careful thoughts would he not understand? As the most intimate and understandable beast, of course, he has to take the initiative to share the worries of the host, anyway, he definitely does not want to harm others.

"Well. That's a good idea. Can the stars lend us the wolf king?"

Touching his chin to look at them back and forth, Yun Yanyang said, driving to the base is too uncreative. "Yes."

Ye Xingchen agreed without thinking about it. The wolf king obediently walked towards Yunyu Leng Yehan, and suddenly changed into a mutant form. When Xiaofei Chen saw this, he immediately broke away from his father's hand, "Uncle Xing, I want to carve the king."

The little guy did not fight for the consent of Xing Feng, and went directly to the back of the King of the Eagle. A family of mutant beasts at home, including the black beast, who has not been his mount? Even though the Eagle King was Xing Feng's pet, he still obediently lowered his body to make it easier for him to get up.

"Let's go. Those who are willing to ride mutant beasts will ride on mutant beasts, those who are unwilling to ride them."

Seeing this, Yun Che simply announced loudly that in the end Jiang Shangye Xingchen sat on the mutated Panpan. After Meng Gang and Meng Xu mounted the carving, Lu Haixuan, Chu Haoyu and Yang Huaien, Zhan Yafei chose the remaining pets of Ye Xingchen. Two mutant Tibetan mastiffs, Fu Feng Yun Che needless to say, they must be riding a black feather, Shen Rui and they did not come out in the space, the remaining Gu Mingxuan Yun Yao chose to take the triplet to the car.

"General Wang, do I need to give you a car?"

Unlocking the enchantment came out of the gate, where Yun Zhi went to the pestle, the zombies naturally did not dare to approach, Yun Che took out a brand new off-road, sent the triplets to the car together, and did not forget to look back and look at them. Longing for Wang An and others.

"No, no, we have a space department."

Awkwardly recalled, Wang Guoan asked the space department to take out two cars, and Weikan's people also took out two cars. At the peak, they were riding the mutant beast guards on both sides of the car, and riding on the Wolf King with Leng Yehan. The body Yun Yun was in front of him and was responsible for driving the road. When the wolf king ran up, the car followed.

As the capital of Huaxia before the end of the last century, the capital of Beijing was one of the largest cities in the country. After the end of the world, the military and government quickly set up a survivor base, and a large number of people poured into the capital, resulting in the base of the capital in the shortest time. It has become the largest base in the country. There are nearly ten group troops stationed at the base in Beijing. The number of survivors is more than ten million. The entire suburb of Beijing is included in the base. At present, it is undoubtedly standing in the A behemoth on the land of China.

"Well, who is this? Are those zombies giving way to them?"

"Isn't it? I'm so terrific."

"You see, all they ride are mutant beasts, and the car is as clean as the new one."

"Where the **** is the daddy? No such person has been heard at a nearby base."

"People are more deadly than people, look at others."

Until now, a large number of survivors have poured into the Beijing base every day. When they line up to enter the base, I do n’t know who shouted, everyone

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