Young Military Rarities

Chapter 339: Ascension, Yun Che commits anger (3)

After the wedding, but I want to be promoted to level 6 as soon as possible, I have no time to deal with them, just wait for them to come home. "

Yun Che also picked up his younger son Yun Ziyang, and the boss was hugged by Xing Feng. Seeing that he was so determined, Yun Yan raised his eyebrows.

"is it?"

To the Zhou family, Yun Che knew better than Yun Zheng that he couldn't possibly refute. Anyway, they were all in Beijing, and those people could not jump for a few days.

"I'll be fine with me next week.

He poked at his son's flamboyant little face, Yun Che felt that it felt good and addictive. He couldn't help but poked, poked, poked

"Wow ..."

Originally, obediently staring at his little bun, Shu made him poke. He even cried, even if it caused the two brothers to cry together. The trio of brothers was bright and sharp, and almost did not break them. Eardrum.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"Brother doesn't cry ..."

"Master, you were so perverted yesterday that you didn't miss your son?"

"What's going on? What's going on? Ningning why are they all crying?"

"Brother Che, you are too human ..."

Almost immediately, Yunyao Wang Suhua and others held the child in the past, and the culprit Yun Che instantly became the object of the fire. The most angry of them was Hei Yu, because he saw that Yang Yang was letting The master made a poke for that poke.

"Well, you can't bully your brother, it hurts."

The chubby boy with his hands on his waist stood in front of the uncle again, and the cute little face wrinkled into a ball. Yun Che, who had returned to God, was unable to help him. "Trust me, I didn't mean it."

He just poked lightly. Yun Che also had all kinds of desires to cry without tears. Who knew that his son was so poking.

"Do n’t believe him, Chen Chen is the most pitted, and he is accustomed to talking nonsense. The God Beast saw him punching Yang Yang's face with his own eyes, and he didn't want to think about how old he was. Huh? "

Heiyu jumped on Xiaopeng Chen's shoulder, his forefinger pointed at Yun Che's mouth full of indignation, a look of Yun Che's madness.


Xiaofei Chen wrote, and his voice became more displeased. Before Yun Che justified, Yun Yao shook the child to appease and rebuked, "Is there such a father as you? Do n’t touch the child in the future, I'll take it. "


"That is, I haven't seen your unreliable father. Sister Yun said it well, it's time to deprive him of the right to bring children!"

Yun Che did n’t even have a chance to speak. Hei Yu was stealing white again. Seeing Wang Suhua, they seemed to join him. Yun Che quickly raised his hands to surrender. "My fault, I promise I will never do it again, please. Don't you just say no? "

Damn, he just thinks his son's face is tender and slippery, and he can't help but poke twice more. As for all of them setting him on fire?

Who is the boss of the pinnacle? Since having a child, he really feels that he has been ignored and ignored by Sensen.

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