Young Military Rarities

Chapter 340: Dragon Squad, Jiang Guohao (2)

Jiang Shang and Ye Xingchen were speechless in various ways.

"It looks like your parents should have looked for you everywhere, or they wouldn't have thought of you by just one name."

There are more people with the surname Jiang. Even if Jiang Shang is also surnamed Jiang, they can only think that he is some kind of relative of Jiang Guohao. It is impossible to think of him as his son. The only possibility is that Jiang Guohao told them Yeah, I even told you in particular, it ’s not hard to see from here that they still care about Jiang Shang ’s son, at least caring about his life, unlike him, he does n’t boast, there are a lot of people who know him, Ye family wants to It is impossible to find him, but they can only say that they really don't care about him.

"Well they don't like it."

The big iron door opened, Jiang Shang controlled the steering wheel and frowned. He wasn't stupid, knowing what Ye Xingchen wanted to say, but from an early age, he had been ignored and used to care about them.

"Do you mean you don't like them?"

In the face of his mouth mutilation, Ye Xingchen was a bit strenuous to understand. Jiang Shang shook his head. "I don't like me, they, like my brother, don't let me, stay close to my brother, me, unnecessary."

"They don't like you, they just like their brother, and they never let you get closer to your brother. Do you think you are redundant?"

Thanks to Ye Xingchen who has been with him for a long time, this can be translated, but seeing the seniors understand, Jiang Shang nodded happily, thinking about it and then added a sentence, "I do n’t think it is redundant, it is them, they think of me, Unnecessary. "

When he was a child, his memories were too vivid. Jiang Shang still can't forget that he watched his brother cry, and wanted to tease his brother, but his mother robbed his brother in his arms like crazy. At that time, he was ten years old and his brother was five years old. His mother's eyes were terrified. Although he became guilty after seeing the toy in his hand, he could never forget that scene.

Jiang Shang didn't talk much, and it sounded even upside-down, but this did not prevent Ye Xingchen from clarifying the truth. Even in his mind, a small Jiang Shang automatically hid in the corner watching the picture of his parents petting his brother. My heart hurt so much immediately. Since they were together, it may be because Jiang Shang is six years younger than him. He has always loved him and was unwilling to be wronged. He did not expect his childhood to have been this way. Worse, who knows better than him and feels neglected by his biological parents? No wonder they attract each other because they are all the same.

"It's okay, you and me, you are unique to me."

Consider this. Ye Xingchen leaned back against his shoulders and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Well, it's fine now, love stars, for a lifetime."

Freeing one hand to hug him, Jiang Shang took another opportunity to confess a wave, and the smile on Ye Xingchen's face was a little bit brighter, and he didn't forget to hold his hand with his ten fingers after pulling away. "And Che Ge Yao Yao them, we have many relatives and we will live together in the last days. "


Jiang Shang nodded heavily, and said that the car had reached the innermost place during the joke. A large number of people gathered outside the villa on the left of Baoquan. The man headed was very tall and looked like he was in his early forties. It's a bit like it, but it's more mature and stable. It should be his father Jiang Guohao. Next to him is a boy who is about the same height as him, up to 20 years old. He looks more like Jiang Shang, completely. It ’s exactly what Jiang Shang looked like when he debuted. I want to know that it must be his brother's "squeak"

"Xiao Shang!"

The car stopped in front of those people, before waiting for them to get off, Jiang Guohao rushed over and opened the door. Jiang was not very used to looking at the face that was similar to him, full of joy and excitement. , Did not get out of the car.

"Xiaoshang, how are you doing? 7 When did you arrive in Beijing and why did you come back now? Dad has been looking for you, Long Teng, who also uses the team's name, was afraid that you would not find home when you returned."

He clearly saw the alienation and strangeness of his son's eyes. Jiang Guohao froze, his eyes quickly slipped through a bitter bitterness, and then he looked at him excitedly, seeing that he was dressed well and had a good spirit, even better than before the last days. Jiang Guohao was at ease My wife is becoming mourning

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