Young Military Rarities

Chapter 342: Fighting Rogue Team (2)

Charm, so that the face is not so good as if it were all beautiful.

At the same time, in a certain office on the fourth floor of the Puppet Association, a television wall directly in front of the door was divided into two, half of which was broadcasting the battle below live, and the other side showed the skinny face of Xing Wanxin's grandfather. .

"Old Chief, do we really stop it?"

The president of Area C Association of Powers asked again. In fact, when Xing Feng went out of the villa, they had grasped their whereabouts, knew that they had come to the Association of Powers, and saw their conflict with the rogue squad throughout. When he first contacted the old chief, he wanted to ask if he wanted to alarm the three young people. Who knew that the situation suddenly occurred. After seeing the connection, the old chief not only did not allow them to be disturbed, but also ordered him not to stop. Take a look at the ability of San Shao, but you can fight like this again. Wang Dao Scar is afraid to be killed by San Shao. At present, the mainstream power level in Beijing is still 5th grade. Wang Dao Scar is one of the few sixth grades. It is a pity to die just like this, although he has no bad character.

"What to stop? The old man is looking up, don't bother me."

Xing Wanxin's eyes were sharp and savage. He certainly knew that he was distressed by the sixth-level power, but others didn't know he didn't know? More than one or two levels for his baby grandson? There are also members of the top team led by his grandson, who is said to be all six. They will prevent the youngest one from getting angry at this time, and will undoubtedly lose more, and he does look at the youngest and youngest daughter-in-law. Ability.

"Go on, kill him!"

What the rogue squad is also the eighth power squad in zone c. As soon as they came up, their arm was cut off by a little white face. It immediately made them angry. After pulling back the broken arm member, there was a gloomy growl. With a sound, more than twenty people rushed to surround Yun Che at the same time, and everyone quickly condense the power and hit him.

"Boom boom ..."

The smashed abilities of twenty or four level five psionicists suddenly made the entire power association shake, but the power association considered this situation at the beginning of construction, so it would not collapse. It ’s just that Yun Che ’s previous position was completely covered by the airflow brought by the power blast. The sparks stabbed so that his eyes could not be opened, but there were still a lot of people staring at it with no interest, They always felt that Yun Che was not dead.

"Huh, a little white face who survives by selling **** ..."

"What about Huai Xiaobailian?"

But those in the rogue team obviously don't think Yun Che can survive, everyone's face is covered with disdain and ridicule, but what they didn't expect is that Yun Che's voice suddenly sounded, accompanied by a crackling sound The rogue squad was startled, looked up violently, and saw that he did not know when they were suspended above their heads. At the same time, with his body as the center, the adult Razer with thick arms was squirming and might fall at any time. .

"It's not good……"

"Booming ..."

Without waiting for their response, the thundering Razer suddenly pinpointed them to scream and fall. The purple Razer seemed to be carrying Tianwei, hitting their target with precision, and the screams rang out one after another.

"Look, it's up to you."

Seeing that more than half of them were recruited by more than twenty people, the remaining half had a stupid reaction, but Yun Che apparently did not interrupt the opportunity for them to respond, the slender body fell from the sky, and the wrist was turned between. The long black sword pulled out numerous blades that were almost solidified and swarmed towards them.

"Oh shit……"

"Bumping ..."

A group of people who returned to God immediately condensed the power to counterattack, and they blocked the oncoming blade. After all, the ministry was a level 4 or 5 ability, and they usually liked to fight fiercely. It was really suppressed by Yun Che alone. The counterattack was strange.

"Mom's labor kills you"

The dozen or so people who had previously been struck by lightning did not die. Although they were seriously injured, they also clamored to join the siege of Yun Che after being calm down. Yun Che and Niu were just one person, and they had to deal with it at the same time. Twenty or so people are still very reluctant and have taken over

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