Young Military Rarities

Chapter 343: Perverted promotion, goodbye Fei Ye! (2)

It's really not a human. It's a level six secret. Do you think I should hide? "

The man who said to hide was put on Yun Che's shoulders in an irregular manner, his eyes flashing with evil spirits staring at the rushing Xing Feng.


"I'm still so violent, fortunately I'm able to hide quickly!"

Before Yun Che talked, a golden puppet whistled, and Fei Ye's figure disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the floor he had just stood on had cracked a crack. If Fei Ye hadn't escaped, that slit should have appeared in On him.

"Look ..."

Xing Feng pulled Yun Che into his arms, and Ying Ye's eyes were locked against Fei Ye. I didn't know who shouted. I saw that the black gas wrapped in the scar of Wang had disappeared, and Wang also disappeared at the same time. Scar, the only thing left is a pool of flesh on the ground. Seeing this, many people feel that the tiger's body is stiff and the chrysanthemum is tightened. What kind of power is this? Is it too cruel? study.

"Shit, it really stayed."

The old man jumped up in excitement, his actions were nothing like the seventies and eighties, and the wrinkled face was staggered with joy and comfort. His baby grandson actually had four abilities, and the line hidden by him seemed to be better than the gold line. Even worse, can he be upset?

"Old Chief"

On the TV screen in front, the psionicist association was crying with tears on his face, and the psionicist association lost a sixth-level psionicist. It seems that it may directly damage a top ten team. Can he not cry? ? The power associations in various districts have been fighting openly. Wang Daosha's character is unyielding. He wins at a high level. When he fights fiercely, it is most suitable to send him. Although the three young people who killed him are undoubtedly more powerful, the problem is that even if He lent him a hundred guts, and he didn't dare to instruct three young people.

"Okay, don't be cheap and sell well, isn't the third wife and child already registered as a squad?"

I was interrupted when I was very happy, and Xing Wanxin was unhappy, but the president of the Association of Psionics even wanted to cry when he heard that "Mrs. Three Young's team has less than ten people, and all of them are fifth grade, and a fourth Class……"

He already had the application information filled in by cold night and cold. No matter how you look at it, the peak is not as good as a hooligan, right? Although I heard that they are the second best power team in the Southwest, just like the people in the city always looked down on the countrymen before the end of the world, the people in the capital always looked down on the people in the second and third tier cities. The president of the power association also took it for granted that Secondly, they were only in the southwest. When they arrived in the capital, they were afraid that they would not be able to enter the top ten, not to mention that their people would be different at first sight, and he was even less optimistic about them.

"Xiao Zheng, you can't just look at the surface when you look at things. Do you think the youngest daughter-in-law is just capable? Look down and make sure you're stunned."

Unexpectedly, not only was Xing Wanxin not annoyed, but he calmed down. Regarding his grandson and grandson, he could hear a lot from his daughter-in-law and his son-in-law. In his opinion, maybe he was even fiercer than his grandson. .


President Zheng was not speechless because of what he said, but what happened on the screen made him look dumbfounded. After discovering that Wang Jianshen turned into a pool of flesh, the rogue team members were finally afraid, watching Xing Feng His eyes were the same as looking at monsters. Just when they thought that Xing Feng was going to fight with Yun Che, Yun Che even smiled and pushed him away, holding his knife on his toes to block their retreat. "You, you, you want What are you doing? "

A group of people spoke to Yun Che, but the eyes of fear swept to Xing Feng and Guo Shaolong from time to time. Obviously, they were not afraid of Yun Che, but the two people. Perhaps Yun Che had risen to the sixth level. Yes, but he has just been upgraded. They have more than twenty people, but Xun Feng and Guo Shaolong are different. Especially Guo Shaolong, his poisoning ability is especially terrifying.

"Don't watch, they are bullying you completely. I'm enough. I'm almost halftime, right? Let's go to the second round?"

The long knife pointed, and the indescribable arrogance, but with the light smile on his face, seemed to reduce a lot of domineering, but the buzzing long knife was weirdly screaming the bloodthirsty desire, Yun Che feels very contradictory. There are contradictions from top to bottom, and from the inside to the outside. Few people at the scene dare to say

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