Young Military Rarities

Chapter 346: It's gone, I have seniors (2)

He does not interfere with each other. He is only a father and son in blood, and he will help when they need it later.

"Xiao Shang ..."

"Jiang Team, I don't know how scared you are when facing your son's so-called autism, and I don't want to know, Xiao Jiang has made it very clear, everything has passed, please respect Xiao Jiang's wishes and stop asking More, let's not embarrass him with that little affection. "

Jiang Guohao still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Xingchen's voice. The elegant smile always didn't know when it disappeared from his face. It was replaced by a touch of coldness and seriousness. No one knew it better than him. Jiang Shang is actually a very simple and dedicated man. In his heart, the most important thing is the most important. Even if he spares his life to guard him, he won't frown, just like his attitude towards him, not important, then Like passers-by nc, he doesn't want them to cause trouble to Jiang Shang anymore, he wants to spoil him more and replace his parents.


Take a look at Ye Xingchen and look at him no longer, and instead look at Ye Xingchen's son instead. Jiang Guohao found that he couldn't say a word. No matter how much he regretted and wanted to compensate, his son all It was no longer needed, they did not give it when he needed it, and now that he had his lover and his own home, he wanted to give it forcibly, as Ye Xingchen said, it would only make him embarrassed.

"Stop those, are you new to Beijing? At what base were you before?"

I do n’t know how long it has been. When Jiang Guohao spoke again, he had switched off the subject, and he could see that it was not just him, but Jiang Yi next to him had settled down, because they all knew that no matter what they did to Jiang Shang, Or Jiang Shang's no longer needed, these are already established facts and can not be changed anymore. Instead of getting stuck in it and causing everyone to work hard, it is better to look at the future and future things, who can say accurately 7

"Yesterday, Southwest."

Jiang Shang ’s answer is still concise, but this time Jiang Guohao and his son understood “I arrived yesterday? So why did you come here today? I heard that the Southwest Base is also very good. Are you doing well there?”

Seeing his son willing to answer him, Jiang Guohao asked a long list when he was excited, Jiang Shangmen blinked his eyes, wondering how to answer him, and was organizing the language. Ye Xingchen shook his head helplessly, holding his hand with He pointed out that “the Southwest base is not as large as the Beijing base at present, but the security is definitely not worse than that of the Beijing base. Me and Xiaochao are both members of the Southwest ’s No. 2 peak team. They just came into the city yesterday and joined the captain first. I decided where I live and I got a brief look at the situation in the capital. "

"Peak? Is it the one that banqueted outside the East Gate yesterday?"

Jiang Yi yelled suddenly, Jiang Guohao seemed to think of it, and both the father and son looked at them in confusion for an answer.

"Hehe can't talk about the feast, but it's just time for lunch, and the captain is unwilling to wrong us."

I didn't expect that what happened at the gate of the base yesterday would be transmitted like this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but be a little funny, but that kind of thing, no one except his brother Che Che, could do it.

"I heard that your captain also has an improved formula for nutrient solution. Is that true?"

After all, he is still a big boy, and he is naturally more curious. After understanding the truth of the matter, his grudge against Jiang Shang also disappeared. Perhaps he has n’t called him for a long time. This brother sounded a little nervous and shy.

"Well, I changed rooms."

Jiang Shang was very happy to hear the elder brother, but that was all.


"The formula of the nutrient solution has changed our place of residence. I believe that you will not have to endure the feeling of sour teething soon. Jiang Yi is really not the point of my brother. Fortunately, Ye Xingchen, the translator, Minutes deciphered his meaning. Jiang Shangle nodded beside him, looking at the eyes of his predecessor full of love and joy. The beautiful and exquisite peach eyes would turn into star eyes, as long as he thought of his predecessor, he could always understand him correctly. He meant that he was about to bubble up.

"That daring love, sister-in-law, don't hide from you, what I am most afraid of is the taste of the nutrient solution.

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