Young Military Rarities

Chapter 347: Fei Ye Bar on Xing Feng (2)

It's not bad, after all, the age difference is not very big, but since that incident, he broke up directly with his elder brother and didn't contact his sister much, and he also can see that the elder brother and elder sister have changed a lot because of that incident. The tacit understanding of the three brothers and sisters. Before the end of the world, they would never contact privately. Only the New Year's and New Year's Day will send a text message to bless, or a group.

"Okay, everyone in your family is this!"

Yun Che pumped a corner of her mouth and didn't know how to evaluate it. She could only give him a thumbs up, and she would be the number one casually. Neither her sister nor her brother was a fuel-saving lamp.

"I guess my dad is afraid she will be mad at her."

Then he tickled his lips. Xing Feng didn't hide his gloat. Others didn't know he didn't know yet. His father always took his sister as the little princess who was the punisher, and hoped that he could be as intimate and good as the little princess. , But now the princess has grown directly into a queen, it is strange that he is not angry.

"Speaking of the relationship diagram of the criminal family, should you draw one for me? One day, if I accidentally kill someone in your criminal family, the crime will be great by then."

He didn't ask because he knew he would tell him when the time was right, but now they're all in Beijing. At least some people in the criminal family should have told him, right? Although even if he knew it, the criminals would dare to move his head, he would just flatten it out.

"Well, talk to you later."

"Xiao Che, someone outside of Guo Shaolong is looking for you."

The voices of Xing Feng and Yun Yao sounded at the same time. The words dropped. Guo Shaolong had invited him. You Xun walked in, but Xing Feng suddenly darkened his face, and his eyes stared sharply at him. Yun Che calmly looked back at him with a smile.


Ignoring Xing Feng's dark handsome face, Fei Ye's mouth was soaked with a wicked smile, and he raised his hand to say hello to Yun Che naturally.

"You know how to come, sit casually, why did you suddenly say goodbye yesterday?"

A high-five with him, Yun Che pointed his finger at the empty sofa position, and Fei Ye did not take himself as an outsider, and naturally walked over and sat down. "Isn't it a bit of a mess? Why, miss me?"

The voice dropped, the temperature of the entire living room suddenly dropped, Zhou Zeyu and others twitched their lips, and moved their **** tacitly away from them. Where is Nima, who is a cow, but Xing's body is soaring?

"Yeah, why don't you think you have been killed?"

How could Xing Che not feel Xing's great emotional changes? Suddenly, he couldn't help but take a look at Fei Ye silently. He bet a dollar, and he forced it on purpose!

"I'm afraid it will be hard for me to kill myself. It would be easy to kill someone else."

Lei Er leaned on the sofa leaning on his leg, Fei Ye held the arm of the sofa with one hand and held his head. He glanced at the frontier who was on the verge of an outbreak, and his eyes were covered with naked evil spirits. An ordinary face, because of his temperament, seems to be three-dimensionally beautiful, and it turns out that temperament is really more important than looks.

"Fei Ye!"

The simple two words were almost squeezed out from the teeth of Xing Feng's teeth. Anyone can hear the strong fighting intent "Fei Ye? He is the killer who kidnapped you?"

Hearing this name, Gu Mingxuan frowned, except Yun Yun and Leng Yehan, the others were puzzled, and they were all faintly guarded. How strong Fei Ye was, he could deceive Yun Che by himself and imprisoned him. He has been so long, they can imagine, no one dares to belittle him.

"Well, but he is my friend now."

It's impossible to hide this. Yun Che didn't even think about concealing. He heard him say the word "friend" again, and Fei Ye couldn't find it anymore, but no one found it. Soon he went back again. He is so wicked that one cannot easily see through.


Looking at his brother and then looking at Fei Ye, Yun Yao didn't frown very much. He was the one who wanted to kill him.

"Hehe, I never make friends to see if he is a good person or a bad person, as long as he is someone I recognize

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