Young Military Rarities

Chapter 348: The secret brought by Fei Ye

Xing Fengfei Ye, they obviously did not even have the opportunity to formally know, but now they have used the housekeeping skills to get up, it should be said that their natural enemies are still destined, anyway, Shen Rui Zhou Zeyu and others who are hiding far away are All kinds of speechless is it. The two knew that their abilities were lethal, and they **** up regardless of what they did. The so-called Yan Wang fights the little ghost and suffers. They are at this moment.

Yun Che, the other party, looked at them back and forth, and leaned back without stopping them. He clearly classified himself as a bystander.

"Sister Brother, isn't this called Lan Yan Wo Shui?"

Yun Yan, also in the center of the storm, leaned over to pick up a bunch of grapes, and leisurely picked one that was fed to Leng Yehan's mouth and ate the grapes fed by the baby's daughter-in-law. Leng Yehan was sweet all the way from his mouth to his heart. "Huh, It is said that he has insulted these words a bit. "

Well, since the recovery of Dayun Yun, the cold night is not cold anymore, the words are really increasing.

"You two can't do it when I die?"

At least Yun Che felt that the cold talk Ye Yehan was becoming more and more unlovable.

"No, no, brother, aren't we bragging about you? Changing people to punish brother and Fei Yehui for him? That's why you have this charm."

While Yun Ji feeding his beloved teacher, he grinned and became poor with his brother. He was not affected by Xing Feng Fei Ye's rivalry, and he was not worried that their power collision would hurt himself. That's what he said.

"So I should be happy?"

Mei Feng raised his eyes, Yun Che leaning on the sofa squinted his eyes, and it seemed that he hadn't seen Fei Ye Xingfeng. They love to beat and slap, anyway, both of them are level six, and the power is almost corrosive. Who? It's impossible to hurt anyone, just when they are full and they are so busy that they hurt.

"Well, it should."

"Screw you!"

Yun Zheng nodded cautiously, Yun Che was low, and the two brothers couldn't help laughing, and Fei Ye suddenly put up the ability "No more, I didn't play hard with you, it really hurt you Xiao Che It's time to blame me. "

"Can you hurt me?"

Xing Feng glared sharply and made it clear that he did not accept the possibility that he could hurt him. Fei Ye shrugged and did not intend to fight him. He admitted that he was very strong. His poison system is not vegetarian. The poisons that can be seen are often unavailable. The real poison is colorless, tasteless and invisible. If he really uses it, he can't escape even if the criminal front is Level 6.


When Yun Che saw the two, they looked at each other separately. Xing Feng held his waist silently, protesting his indifference, and Fei Ye spread his arms in two hands, leaning back lazily on the sofa and holding his head with one hand.

"Let's go, the three of us exchange feelings."

After all, Yun Che pulled Xing Feng to stand up, and after Fei Ye also stood up, the three of them disappeared into the living room instantly, knowing that they should be in the space, the others exhaled in unison, Nima previously I really thought the two would turn the living room into a battlefield. Sympathetic glances at the potty marble coffee table, Meng Xu quietly took out a new one.

In the space, compared to the shock when other people entered for the first time, Fei Ye seemed to calm down a lot. The changes in the scene only made him whistle softly, facing the strong dissatisfaction of Xing Feng, and Yun Che hardly scalping. He first went back to the room to wait for him. He was going to take Fei Ye to Bitan. You can see how dark the face of Xing Feng was and how sour the vinegar was.

"Okay, okay, can you compensate later?"

It really couldn't stand his own big vinegar barrel, Yun Che didn't avoid the existence of Fei Ye, leaned forward and kissed the pro-Feng Feng's mouth to show comfort, Xing Feng took advantage of him and then staged at least five minutes of passionate wet Kiss, Waner still bit her wife's ear and said, "At least three times tonight."

"Uh ... seriously?"

Yun Che's forehead, who was still having some trouble breathing, was dark, and once at least an hour or more, he couldn't live and die three times. "Must be serious, or are you too few?"

"Enough is enough. Three times, three times. After that, eat less flying vinegar. I will take Fei Ye first."

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