Young Military Rarities

Chapter 349: Unexpectedly, persuasion was large

"You haven't answered why I ran to be the captain, could the other side agree?"

Lin Xiaohan's affairs were set aside for the time being. Yun Che remembered more important things. Fei Ye left last time. The main reason was that he was afraid to affect him. This time, he would come to the door and should not exist. The problem is just right.

"Hehe, when the management on the other side is so busy that no one can manage it? When there is no task, our department is just an ordinary person. I did n’t tell you last time. I did n’t take the task easily. No With the task at hand, why can't I be the captain of a power squad? "

Although his body hurts, his heart is happy and satisfying. He feels that Yun Che really treats him as a friend, not just talking.

"What about the bomb inside? Solved?"

He also said that the micron bomb also has a navigation effect, right?

"Eradication can't be helped. I hacked into the host computer on the other side, cracked the password, and temporarily closed my forehead. It seems to be eradicated immediately ... 唔 ……"


Fei Yehua only said half of it, and suddenly changed his direction. Yun Che looked at it strangely, and saw that his body soaking in Bitan was shaking violently. Bitan was rippling with waves of waves. "You do n’t Would you tell me that micron bomb is being expelled? "

The pool of water can drain the dirt of the body. He knows that even the micron bombs implanted in his body can discharge such a thing. He really never thought about it. If he really knew it, he would have taken him directly into Bitan last time. Li, why let him venture back to Beijing?

"You, you seem to be right."

The reason why the micron bomb cannot be removed by surgery is not only because it is connected to the heart, but also the main reason is that it is small and cannot be found at all, but now he clearly feels that the heart is tearing. Pain, it seems that something is being split and it is being expelled from the body. Except for the micron bomb, he really can't think there are other possibilities. "Don't talk first, look at the results."

Yi Fei's patience overflowed with pain and groaned, and Yun Che also became tense. His eyes tried to observe the chest through the water. Unfortunately, all his muscles were squirming to send out impurities. So come.


Fei Ye didn't take him anymore. He gritted his teeth to endure the severe pain, and the arc of the body jitter became larger and larger. After at least half an hour or so, the severe jitter gradually reduced. Quickly move upwards again "... come out, that's it."

On the palm of his palm, he lay quietly a rice-grain-size thing. If he didn't look carefully, he wouldn't see it at all. Yun Che controlled the air power to roll it up and fly to his palm. "You sure it Can the power of you really blow you into pieces? "

Don't blame him for not believing that the main thing is too small.

"A powerful thing is not necessarily bulky, but it has been researched by the wisdom of countless people gathered on the other side, but it has now left my body. The people on the other side will soon find out that I should go again. "

Previously, he only turned off the signal detection of the satellite temporarily. Once it left the human body and the temperature control function disappeared, it would immediately turn on the signal again. The organizers also knew that they would probably detonate it immediately.

"Where to go, this is just now."

Glancing at him angrily, Yun Che took a closer look at what was on his hand. "If you reimplant it into whose body, wouldn't it be found on the other side?"

"Maybe it's been discovered now."

As soon as the bomb left his body, the signal would be released. How could it be possible for them to re-implant them?

"I don't need to worry about this. My space has a closed screen function. They can't know that the bomb has left his body. As long as I grab a person and perform surgery in the space and implant it in his body, there will be no problem. "


Well, Fei Ye was really speechless to him this time, but he always said that his ghosts were abnormal.

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