Young Military Rarities

Chapter 351: Nine Days of Thunder (2)

Is this going to be positive just now? can……

"Don't worry, I'm not so easy to die. Since Jiutian Thunder can't be avoided, try your best to carry it."

Raising a soothing smile, Yun Che said firmly and confidently, even if Hei Yu didn't say he knew it, maybe he could temporarily escape the nine days of thunderstorms by hiding in the space, but he couldn't hide in the space all his life Right? Even if there is nothing in the space, he is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and fears death, and dares not even face challenges.

"Well, I believe you can, to be alive."

Facing his firm line of sight, Xing Feng was the first to worry about giving him support. They are not people who are used to avoiding problems. He believes in him!

"Of course, it's so easy to meet you such a summoning beast that I can call whatever I want to do. How could I be willing to die like this?"

Yun Che smiled brightly, Xing Feng slowly laughed afterwards, and that's it. He believed that as long as Xiao Che was still bound, he would not succumb to shit.

"Xiao Che, don't let me lose my only friend."

Fei Ye has been watching him deeply for a long time, what he wants to say is, don't let him lose the only important person, but in the end he turned into a word bluntly, because he felt it, he told Xing Feng's constant fetters.

"Brother Che, and us."

Everyone else looked at him in unison, Yun Che nodded "Why? I didn't go to death, when I came back and finished speaking, Yun Che suddenly flashed out, like a streamer, blasted out and wanted to cross the calamity. In that case, the base is definitely not suitable, and he must find a place where he will not be disturbed.

"Booming ..."

At the same time, Lei Yun, who was hanging over the villa, also chased out. Xing Feng gave the child to Yun Yao. "Sister, take care of the child."


Knowing that he was going to find Yun Che, Yun Yao nodded in tears, trying to pretend to be strong.

"Let's go together."

The words of Yunyan fell squarely, and the realm of space opened in an instant, shrouding all of them disappearing in the yard together. I saw that their figures kept flashing and disappearing in the air, as if they were collectively teleporting. How horrible and how horrible. It is the space field of ten zombies.

"Fuck, did something fly out just now?"

"No, you look at the thundercloud, his grandma, when did you see Leiyun so familiar?"

"So horrible. If this thundercloud smashes down, the whole base will be destroyed?"

"My sun, look at the sky, is there anyone flashing a light?"

"Shouldn't they be following that thundercloud?"


With such a huge wave, how could people inside the base fail to notice? Not only the survivors of the abilities, but also the military officials pay special attention to it. The first time they ordered to figure out what was going on, there were too many and too many abnormal conditions after the end of the world, and every time they were accompanied by abnormal conditions, Unlucky people are all human beings. Now they suddenly accumulate such a heavy thundercloud, do they dare not pay attention to it?

"Oh shit……"

Yun Che, who was chased by Lei Yun, has raised the air power to the extreme, but instead of pulling away from Lei Yun, he has been faintly about to be caught up by him. At the same time, he is quickly searching for the low curse. The area that allows him to cross the robbery quietly. Heiyu has already told him just now that the power of the nine-day thunder robbery is based on how many souls come from the cross robbery area. It does not care who crosses the robbery. As long as it is in the robbery area, it will It will be regarded as all that need to cross the robbery, and it continuously accumulates power. The reason why it did not lower previously is because there are many people in the cross-robber area. It is accumulating energy. It is the same now, although he has already flew out of the base, but below There is also a dense crowd of zombies, which are also creatures and will also be regarded as robbers.

"Master, in the mountains over there."

Seeing the rolling hills in the distance, Black Feather shouted anxiously that they had left the crowded city, the number of zombies was decreasing, and thunderstorms

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