Young Military Rarities

Chapter 354: Old memories, Xing Feng's pain

For the first time in his lifetime, Yun Che enjoyed the high-quality treatment of military vehicles. On the way to area A, the people in the villa area looked at the strange scene in front of them. An army of hundreds of people gathered around an ordinary black-headed car. Driving into area A, even after entering the area of ​​area A, it still attracted countless people.

"Your dad is afraid we are not popular, right?"

Seeing this kind of picture, Yun Che, sitting in the front passenger seat, laughed coolly.

Xing Feng's face had long been dark enough to match the old pot bottom in the countryside. God knew how much self-control he used to restrain himself. He stepped on the accelerator without force and directly crushed the road ahead. There is nothing else to do such a hypocritical name. "

For his father, Xing Feng has always been very secretive, and it is easy to not talk about it, and it is the same at this time.

"Boss, have you told Che Che about that?"

Gu Mingxuan, who was holding Xiaopengchen, and held Yunyao in the back seat, looked at Xing Feng through the rearview mirror. The previous boss was not like this. Although he didn't like his father's attention to the superficial style, he still took him. When the father saw it, the source of everything came from the incident six years ago. Until now, they still feel disgusted when they think of it. This is why when the frontier said a word, they abandoned the bright future and resolutely followed him to change jobs. One of the reasons for being discharged.

"what's up?"

Yun Che turned to look at him, Gu Mingxuan didn't answer, but looked at Xing Feng in the rearview mirror momentarily. The matter was more appropriate by the boss than he said.

"Things six years ago."

Xing Feng's voice sounded low, and Yun Che calmly opened the air film, telling him intuitively that what he was going to say next was probably very vague, and Yun Yao, who was sitting with Gu Mingxuan in the back seat, was not stupid. Seeing this, he quickly made a banned gesture to Xiaopeng Chen, and wanted to hug him, Gu Mingxuan stopped her, and by the way gave him a soothing smile, and told her silently, not as she imagined serious.

"Need to swap places?"

Glancing at his white fingers on the steering wheel, Yun Che raised an eyebrow.

Turning his head to look at him, Xing Feng shook his head, his hands clenching the steering wheel were finally relaxed, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, striving to stabilize his clarity, Xing Feng slowly said, "I am the youngest of the three siblings. I was spoiled when I was a kid, and indirectly, I developed a character who is not afraid to see anyone. I am a little older. My parents think I am too skinny and want to discipline me severely, but grandpa I disciplined them first, because he said that I look like him the most. Since then, Grandpa has always taken me by the side and took me to the army every day. I can basically say that I grew up in the army. Although the file records that the Wenyang Department and I joined the army at the age of 14, in fact, we took ourselves as soldiers when we were very young. After I officially joined the army, I made a lot of like-minded and similar friends. Mingxuan were among them. In part, we practiced in the recruit company together, joined the company together, and were recruited by the grandfather into the special forces. Under the guidance of the old chief, we gradually grew younger, from our first mission to every time since then. Perfectly achieve the goals issued by the superiors. In just a few years, we have become the benchmark of the whole army. The sharpest sharp knife in the criminal family is even more commendable. Even if it was later joined, the youngest and brightest, we all have There is no pride and self-satisfaction with each task, and you are not allowed to show the slightest negligence. "

Speaking of this, Xing Feng stopped suddenly, and Yun Che didn't mean to urge. He could feel that the expressions of him and Gu Mingxuan were mixed with nostalgia. They all said that the affection in his youth was the most cherished, perhaps it was so. They went from nothing to everything, from being anonymous to being resounding through the army. Yun Che felt that he could feel that feeling, just like his pinnacle, and they also came step by step.

"But six years ago, we received a special mission. In that mission, we suffered heavy casualties. Most of our brothers died. Among them, Wenyang's favorite person. At first we all blamed ourselves, thinking It was caused by my own mistake. Later, I accidentally learned that our mission would fail. It was entirely because of a traitor in the army. They colluded with criminal organizations and leaked our actions.

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