Young Military Rarities

Chapter 354: Old memories, the pain of Xing Feng (3)

Ok. "

Xing Feng sitting in the driver's seat nodded, and Yun Che also pushed the car door and took out a small button from the space, erasing the **** ’s knowledge and handing them "This is the first one forged by Yun Han. The space container is not large. It only looks like twenty or thirty flat. I put some things in it. You can complete the contract by dropping a drop of blood on it. After that, you can only access the east and west by spiritual control. You ca n’t go home. It ’s empty hands, especially my sister is going back to you for the first time. "

"Still Che Che thoughtful, Yaoyao, you take it."

Gu Mingxuan, holding his son in one hand and Yunyao in one hand, smiled and nodded. Yunyao said nothing. After taking the button, he contracted with him according to the method of his brother, "Xiao Che you ..."

"It's okay, sister, who have you been scared of seeing me? Go on, see your in-laws, and you will be your family member in the future."

Seeing her face embarrassed, Yun Che pulled out a brand new off-road vehicle and pushed them up.


Xiaofei Chen didn't want to be separated from his uncle, and he wanted to jump out of the car. Yun Che shouted, "Okay, Chen Chen, Dad is going to take you to see grandparents. Chen Chen should remember to obediently know, but if someone is not long Eyes, do n’t hesitate to treat you to the bad guys, so you do n’t want to be soft. Of course, the most important thing is, do you know how to protect my sister for me? ”

Chen Xiaochen tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, Chenchen protects her mother."

"Oh ... Che, you ca n’t be my family?"

Gu Mingxuan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, couldn't help laughing. His parents were not so scary. The reason why they didn't go with him to the southwest was because his dad was a soldier of his life. His parents understood him very well and did not blame him for giving up his great future.

"Hehe, I will give you Her Majesty the Queen and the Little Prince, brother-in-law!"

A brother-in-law represented his recognition and affirmation. Gu Mingxuan understood that he didn't say anything extra, just nodded to his sight and started the car to leave.

"Okay, it's our turn."

After watching their car disappear from sight, Yun Chela drove up the door and sat up. The corner of Xing Feng twitched and looked at the black feather he didn't know when he was holding in his arms. Remember, if he was right, he went out before Did you send Black Feather into space? When did it come out? Is this the rhythm you're going to cheer him on?

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