Young Military Rarities

Chapter 356: Black Feather Bright Claw, Yun Che Hands (3)


"What do you mean?"

Zhou Mingyuan froze, apparently did not expect Yun Che would actually say it, and noticed that the wrong Tian Xingyi's face sank. He was interested in Zhou Ting as his daughter-in-law, but before that, he was The Xing family is the father of Xing Feng. He feels that Zhou Ting is good and the Zhou family is very promising. It will help the son to disregard all possible matches. Then, his first thing to protect is his son, not an outsider.

"Isn't Xingjiajun inquiring about his son's marriage before asking him? Zhou Zhijun, he ..."

"You shut up!"

Seeing Yun Che really wanted to say it, Zhou Mingyuan was exasperated and roaring, Yun Che slowly turned to him, and a ball of light condensed in his hand and pushed towards him.



Who would have thought that he actually said to do it, Zhou Mingyuan was unprepared, the light group hit him on the chest fiercely, smashing him all the way back several meters before stopping, a trace of blood oozed along the corner of his mouth , But did n’t wait for him to calm down, and no one saw how Yun Che moved. In the blink of an eye, he was close to grabbing his collar. "Zhou Mingyuan, shouldn't you think I'm here in Beijing?" I did n’t find you for a month, so I ’m afraid of you. 7 Do n’t worry, I wo n’t kill you today, go back and tell Zhou Zhijun, his life, I booked it, and our three siblings will come to collect it in person and let him clean it up. Your neck is waiting! "


After speaking ruthlessly, Yun Che retreated a few times, and Zhou Mingyuan shivered, and finally fell to the ground.


Seeing this, Zhou Ting shouted and rushed forward, but when she passed Yun Che, her arm was grabbed, Zhou Ting was shocked, pretending to be calm, "What are you doing? Let me go!"



Yun Che threw her out with a shake of her arm. Zhou Ting hit the ground a few times before she stopped. Her perfectly cleaned hair was messed up, and her makeup was stained with mud. The whole person looked like The madwoman was embarrassed.

"Yun Che, you die!"


Although she is the adopted daughter of the Zhou family, she has never been so insulted. Zhou Ting, who got up and climbed up, condensed dozens of fire blades and smashed at him. The crazy roar carried a strong Resentment, when seeing this scene, it was not only Xing Tianyi who was hit hard. Even the executioner felt a little unstable. In their eyes, Zhou Ting has always been a gentle and well-behaved girl.

It was Xun Ye and Xing Le, both brothers and sisters really looked like this.

"Little third-level ability wants my life?"

Facing the oncoming sharp fire blade, Yun Che sneered at his mouth, and waved his right hand gently. The fierce fire blade came to nothing in an instant, and everyone who saw this scene was dumbfounded. One of them has a lower power, and the other cannot completely ignore the damage of the other power. Is he still human? How powerful is it to completely nullify the opponent's ability?

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