Young Military Rarities

Chapter 357: Clean up Ting Zhou, those disgusting things (2)

For a man who is not a rebellious, filial piety, and irresponsible, how could this be the case if he had not been hurt and completely chilled? There is also an old man, who is still in the palm of his hand when he is seventy years old. I am afraid that it is also because the eldest son is too stupid. The criminal family has to hand it to him. It is estimated that it will be finished in less than two years.

"Zhou Mingyuan, what's going on? Didn't you say your daughter hasn't talked about love since childhood?"

It's not that Yun Che's attitude is not annoyed, but Xing Tianyi is even more annoyed by the Zhou family father and daughter. He originally thought that he had found a pure, obedient and obedient daughter-in-law for his son. He did not expect that she liked her brother. , If it is known in the future, where will the youngest man put his face? How could his old prisoner go out to meet someone?

"It's not an old sentence. It's impossible to have such a thing. He talked nonsense, Xiaoting ..."

Offending the criminals was not a good thing. Zhou Mingyuan quickly waved his hands to explain, but Xing Feng strode forward towards Zhou Ting, hypnotized her and asked, "Tell everyone, who do you really like, and from It ’s time to start, and why are you willing to marry into the criminal family? "

"Do not……"

Among the multiple abilities of Xing Feng, one of them is hypnosis. Seeing this, Zhou Mingyuan only felt his eyes dark and his legs softened. Under normal circumstances, he felt that the Zhou family was no worse than the criminal family, but he His daughter has a crush on his son. He also tried to marry his daughter into the criminal house. This is not normal. It can be said that he was bullied or even a scandal. If it breaks out, the marriage between the son and Liu Yuan may be smashed. The consequences are undoubtedly quite considerable. Serious.

Yun Che saw a lip corner, and was not in a hurry to let Zhou Ting lead the lunch. He simply walked to Xing Feng and stood side by side with him. By the way, he found a camera in the space and tossed it. The three members of Xunxue were all expressionless. How did the criminals make trouble on their own? Once outsiders bullied them, they would definitely have the same muzzle and only protect themselves.

"I like the second brother, and I have loved it since I was a child, because only the second brother will really treat me as a princess, but a few years ago, the second brother married Yun Yao's **** in spite of his parents' opposition, and he was also an orphan without father and mother. Why can Yunyao marry the second brother, and I can only be my sister? I am not willing, I told the second brother what I like about him, but the second brother only when I was a little girl talking nonsense, from then on In the future, I bullied Yun Yao with my mother, and secretly showed a lot of photos of Yun Yao entangled with men to show to her. Moms who did not like Yun Yao even did not like her when they saw the photos. Accept her and don't think of happiness. "

Zhou Tingming, who was hypnotized, should be stupid and expressionless, but everyone here heard as if he saw the viciousness and ruthlessness from her face. Think of her as being in her twenties. In her teens, a teenage girl was so fierce and insidious. Both the couple Tian Tianyi shuddered. If such a woman would really marry their family, would there still be peace in their family?

No matter what they think, Zhou Ting ’s narrative continues. “After the end of the world, Yun Che took Yunyao ’s mother and son. God knows how happy I was then. I ’m anxious that they would tear up the zombies when they went out. The second brother came to pick us up At that time, I told his mother ’s grandmother that he and Yunyao had been killed by the zombies. I thought that without Yunyao, I would have a chance. However, in order to win the brother-in-law, my mother said that she would marry her brother Ma'am, fortunately, the second brother didn't agree. Who knew the **** Liu Yan? She actually looked at the second brother with her daughter who was the head of state, and was pregnant with the second brother's child. That was what I dreamed. When my father told me that the criminal family wanted to marry the Zhou family, even if I was extremely reluctant, I had to agree, because I knew that the Zhou family could not support me for a lifetime, only to climb the criminal family. A big tree, I only live longer and better in the last days. Knowing that Uncle Xing likes to be a good girl, I tried to pretend to be good, and went to the house of the criminal to please the aunt when everything was fine. Unfortunately, the old prisoner did not live in the house of the prison. If I can please him, Criminal family married into what hard? "

At this point, Zhou Ting stopped. Except for Feng Feng Yun Che, everyone else had been struck by her words beyond words. Especially, she had always been very optimistic about her Tian Tianyi. He never dreamed of his dream department. A ten-year-old person would be deceived by a little girl. Xing Tianyi seemed to be ten years old in an instant. He couldn't even look at his son because of his sight. Almost, he almost took it

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