Young Military Rarities

Chapter 359: Fighting Zhou Liu, visiting the old man

Zhou Mingyuan and his bodyguards were hypnotized, and Zhou Ting was taken away. No one except the members of the criminal family and Yun Che Xingfeng knew what happened. Although the criminal family members were all kinds of fucking, they were still incompetent. Picky, even the next day, the whole base department was rumored that the naked Miss Zhou's family caught a man in the red light district of district b and asked to fuck. The man in the red light district was delusional, and only remembered the thing under the command of the man. They did not leak a bit of tone, even though everyone was shocked by Yun Che's cruel means.


"What happened to your Zhou family?"

A district government office building, Liu Xi shot a punch on the table, his eyes sharply and coldly stared at Zhou Zhijun standing opposite him. God knew how shocked he was when he woke up and heard about Zhou Ting. The morning meeting In the past, the deputies of the army representatives ridiculed the words, and he and the Xiao family only felt that their faces were lost.

"It should have been deliberately designed by someone. I have already brought Xiaoting back. She is a bit out of mind. I will ask him later."

Zhou Zhijun was expressionless. Although his sister was wrapped in a blanket when she returned, her face and hair were covered with mottled semen, and some of them were dry. It can be seen how many people she had been gang raped. Originally he I wanted to talk to her, and asked who made him this way. Who knew that when she spoke, she just did me, and forced her to be handed over to the people.

Who cares if she is unconscious?

If you can, Liu Xizhao really wants to yell at him, but this person is his prospective son-in-law, after all, Liu Xizhao can only clen his fist and say as calmly as possible "I heard your father took her yesterday The Xing family looked at Xing Feng, and you said it would be Xing Feng. "

Liu Xizhao's words did not finish, but the meaning was quite clear.

"It should be impossible. I checked the entry and exit records in Area A. When Xing Feng left, his father and Xiao Ting were still at the house of the criminal. The father also said that Xiao Ting separated from him after leaving the house and said that he was looking for him. Girlfriends play. Her girlfriends department lives in area A. Xing Feng, who has not entered area A after going out, cannot be the person who designed her. "

He had already investigated this matter, and it didn't agree with time, even though Xing Feng was the most suspect.

"Well, Gu Mingxuan, who is capable of Xing Feng, he took his girlfriend home, but left Area A in the afternoon."

Picking up a piece of information, Liu Xi took a close look at his eyes, and one of the columns clearly stated that the woman Gu Mingxuan brought home was called Yun Yao. Instead, he would have no memory of the name one year ago. However, since he knew about the son-in-law, he was very sensitive to all the ministries surnamed Yun, especially this Yun Yao.

Obviously Zhou Zhijun who also found out this incident clenched his fists "would not be them."

Yes, no, Yaoyao is gentle and kind. How could that be done? God knows that when he knew that the girlfriend Gu Mingxuan brought home was actually a woman he loved and was supposed to be his legal wife, how painful his heart was, he was stupid in the office for a long time and he could n’t get back. They have arrived It ’s been almost a month in Beijing. He dreamed of going to find them, but he never went there. He did n’t even dare to inquire about them. He was afraid that Yaoyao would be looking for him with his son, afraid of her. Knowing that he had enlarged the belly of others, afraid of facing her questioning eyes, he was afraid that he could only run away like a coward, and dare not face the reality, but when he knew that she was already Gu Mingxuan's girlfriend, his son called When he was with Gu Mingxuan ’s father, he was going to collapse. His fears were all self-deception. His Yaoyao did n’t even care. She already had another man who loved her wholeheartedly and sheltered her. It is impossible to find him, even to question him.

This fact will undoubtedly make him more heartbroken than facing Yun Yao's questioning, because when the other person sees you, he will be happy and angry at you. If he ca n’t bear you anymore, that ’s even a sentence Wasted, it was not until this time that Zhou Zhijun knew that no response made him more painful than a response.

"Xiao Zhou, don't forget, Yuan Yuan will be your wife soon."

Zhou Zhijun's pain could not be hidden at all. How could he not see it with Liu Xi's vicious eyes? If he could, he did n’t want to marry his daughter to this kind of man, but one

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