Young Military Rarities

Chapter 359: Fight against Zhou Liu, visit the old man (3)

Xing Wanxin, who was very upset to see his son's family, immediately became different with his great-grandson.

"The third child ?!"

The five members of the Tian Tianyi family couldn't believe their eyes widened. They were all men. Where are the children?

"Ah, it's really a triplet. Mom, come and see. It looks like the third child. It looks so chubby and fat."

Holding a strong doubt, Xingle looked at it and was instantly powdered by three small buns.

"It's so cute, it's almost the same as the third child."

When I heard that the punishment mother remembered what confusion, three steps and two steps rushed over to see the child and was called out in surprise. At the same time, the father and son of Xing Tianyi also saw the bun, just like the punishment mother and torture. The doubts disappeared instantly, and the two knew subconsciously that they were definitely a species of Xing Feng.

The husbands and wives who followed later saw the scene where the family surrounded the children. Xing Feng frowned reflexively, apparently not expecting that the unhappy parents who had just made trouble yesterday were also excluded from writing on the faces, Yun Che saw his hands clasped with him silently, turning his head to see his smile, and finally Feng Xing knew why it was so coincidental that the co-authors were all his daughter-in-law but Yun Che also did. Unexpectedly, Xing Tianyi would be here. He thought he was the punishment mother, so he would add two brothers and sisters.

"How come all three children have birthmarks on their foreheads? This is ..."

"Wait a minute, don't touch ..."

"Ah ..."

Suddenly heard Tian Tianyi's voice of doubt, Yun Che's stop was a slow step in the end, and his finger had already touched the birthmark of one of the small buns. It was time to stand upside down, and Xunyi, who was the first to respond, yelled, "Dad, move your fingers away."

"Well ... move, don't open, sucked ... ah ..."

However, Xing Tianyi, who had been greeted by electricity, found that his fingers were like sticking to his child's birthmark, and he couldn't pull it back at all. Xing Feng Yunche also looked at each other in wonder. Then, both of them helped each other. Wouldn't it be that their little bun was cheering on Dad, intentionally not letting him go?

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