Young Military Rarities

Chapter 366: Attentive Elders (3)

As the bride walked across the red carpet, their sight would be basically unobstructed.

Later, the younger generation in the second and third bedrooms of the Xing family came to greet them with mixed faces. The younger generation who had finished the Mo family also came, and then the Ye Jiashu family seemed to have discussed with each other. Again, Yun Che felt that her face was going to smile stiffly, and finally knew how difficult it was for the descendants of the big family. Fortunately, his family Xing Da would not live in the Xing family in the future. After they left the capital, they would not So again.

"Xing Feng, long time no see."

A man who looked over thirty, with a rank of lieutenant general on his shoulders, walked towards them with two people. Yun Che looked at him strangely, always feeling that he was kind-hearted, and for a while he couldn't remember where to see him. However, Xing Feng said, "How did you run? The Northeast base is finished?"

He said that the striker raised his hand and punched him, and the man politely pulled a stool and sat down beside him.

"Not to introduce?"

"My daughter-in-law Yun Che, Galway in the Northeast base."

Xing Feng's introduction is not concise. When he heard the words "Gao Wei", Yun Che's pupils flickered, and no one noticed the abnormality, and he returned to normal. This guy is barely small. "

"Hello there."

Yun Che reached out and shook him, not particularly enthusiastic, but Galway didn't take his indifference seriously. He had to talk to him every time he opened the conversation. He was brought when Xing Feng was about to stab him. With two subordinates left.

"what happened?"

After Gao Wei went away, Xing Feng whispered in his ear and asked, Yun Che's previous apathy seemed a bit out of place.

"Nothing, go back and tell you."

Shaking his head, this is not a good place to speak. Yun Che has no intention to say anything, but glances at Galway, who has returned to his seat, and introduces to the frontier that he is from the Northeast Base. Later, he remembered why he felt good, because he was the chief of the Northeast base, and by default made the research institute cruel use of powers and mutant beasts to study the culprits of mutants.

"The wedding car is here!"

Originally, Xing Feng wanted to say something. I didn't know who shouted. Everyone had to move his eyes to the entrance. Xing Feng also had to give up temporarily. No one noticed that Yun Che quietly gave Fei Ye a message. Winking, the latter nodded and left a woman who was with them.

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