Young Military Rarities

Chapter 374: battle of wits? The strongest rival!

Hidden years of derailment have been pierced by Leng Yehan in the court, and Liu Xizhao's life is not good. Xiao Lan was so angry that she took her daughter back to her mother's house. In addition, the mess that the Zhou family broke out, Liu Xi Zhao has been busy since last night until this morning, and only halted for half an hour. In the morning, he finally gave the loopholes in the army and Zone B to the wall, but his reputation for damage was not so easy to find. And the wife who ran back to her mother's family. The Xiao family was not vegetarian. As long as they thought about it, Liu Xizhao had headaches. I wish someone would have killed Yun Che and others who caused this situation.

"Buckle ..."

"Come in!"

The knock on the door sounded, Liu Xi, who had been sitting in the office all night, leaned back to the back of the chair tiredly, pressing his finger gently on the bridge of his nose, Zhu Ping pushed open the door and walked in. "Head, just received the news, a large number of people suddenly appeared at the peak, At least 200 people were visually inspected, all of them were level 5. Yun Che Leng Yehan and others who originally registered level 5 were also revised to level 6. "

"What ?! Where do they come from so many advanced abilities?"

I heard that Liu Xizhao no longer cares about fatigue, and his eyes stared as if the eyeballs had to fall out at any time. Now the mainstream power level of the base is almost between the fourth and fifth levels. The sixth level is not absent. In terms of the percentage of power-setters, they are undoubtedly poor. Yunche previously registered almost ten people, that is to say, these ten people were all level six, and now they have two hundred and five levels. Damn, this is all Directed against the first team in each district?

"According to the report, those people are all Southwestern accents, and they should be the real number of peaks. I think they may have been in the base of the capital for a long time, but they have not appeared, and it is not difficult to see from here. What happened yesterday, Yun Che has planned for a long time, and what we wait for is that we give them a platform that is enough to defeat Zhou's family. "

This platform is naturally Zhou Zhijun and Liu Yuan's wedding. If it can, Zhu Ping doesn't want to poke the head's pain. Now he is so anxious that no one knows better than him. Especially, the major bases they invited themselves to The deputies are still gathered in the capital city. If one can't handle it properly, the head of state's instability because of the last days may be shaken completely.

"damn it!"


Liu Xi slammed his fist on the table with his fist, and his dark eyes reflected a strong murderous spirit. There is no doubt that Yun Che was now in front of him. He was afraid that he would just pounce on them and kill them severely. .

"Head of state, calm down, don't forget that the base representatives are still in Beijing, and the major families are staring at it."

Pushing on the glasses on the bridge of the nose, Zhu Ping calmly advised, and it was too late to say anything, because they underestimated Yun Che's ability.

"I know."

Staring up at him with a sulky look, Liu Xi shot a few words about gritted teeth, then leaned back on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and tried to take a deep breath. It took a long time to calm down, "Let staring at Yunche their When people raise their spirits, they should immediately report any abnormalities. I have previously underestimated them. I have always been a power squad with only a little relationship with the criminal family. I never expected him to talk about his grandson. The entire Binhai base is backed up. No, maybe a Southwest base is added. If it is not a matter of distance, his strength on the card is stronger than any of us. "

Although he did not want to admit it, Liu Xizhao had to admit that Yun Che already had the strength to confront him.

"The head of state, you also forgot that Yun Che holds the secret of planting. Yun Yun is a research genius, and the criminals behind Ye Feng and Ye Xingchen, Ye Family and Shu Family. It is said that Jiang Shang is also the No. 1 dragon in D District. The eldest son of the squad leader is all his heritage. It is impossible for us to move them. We can only fight with him. "

In terms of force, they seem to have lost the upper hand.

"You still missed a person, Leng Yehan. He is not only my sinner, but also the only bloodline of the Leng family."

Speaking of this Liu Xizhao, he couldn't help but a sudden fire broke out. How could he have been so miserable if it wasn't him? Now that his image of a good man has completely collapsed, the Xiao family must also have a great opinion of him. With the hard-line style of Xiao family, maybe he

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