Young Military Rarities

Chapter 381: Pharaoh Wang Wei

Unsurprisingly, Yun Che and others unexpectedly, when Liu Xizhao received the news and rushed to the Xiao family, she was directly hit by the Xiao family. Since it happened at the gate of the compound, Liu Xizhao even covered it if she wanted to cover it. Can't help it, the matter quickly spread, and the major families began to act quietly on the surface.

Early the next morning, the Xiao family unilaterally announced that Xiao Lan and Liu Xizhao were divorced. From then on, Liu Xizhao almost lost his breath when he knew it, and then hurried to the courtyard where the Xiao family was. Unfortunately, The result was no better than yesterday, and his little sister-in-law Xiao Heng came out and humiliated him severely.

No one in the major families was surprised. Most powerful men have captive small three, small and four, but they will keep the bottom line of being human and give the decent wife at home the respect and respect that it should have. Liu Xizhao, obviously Broke the bottom line.

In the next few days, Liu Xizhao's real scorch was really bad. The Xiao family announced that the divorce was just the beginning. Yun's straightforward analysis also caused the deaf and dumb Liu family officers to riot, even if they knew Liu The matter of Xi Zhao and Leng Mei also knew that Liu Xizhao was just using Leng Mei and discarded it when it was used up. However, for the future, they gave up the cultivation of Leng family and obeyed Liu Xizhao with conscience, But now all the ministries are spreading under the sun, they are no longer conscience, I am afraid that the result will be similar to Liu Xizhao, and people's words are often the sharp blade that kills the blood.

While the major family divisions were busy fighting for power and profit, the peak team spread all the affairs while spreading their tasks, further expanding the impact, and expediting the deprivation of Liu Xizhao as the head of state. Mo Wenyang and Tan Weiye quietly passed through the space. The channel returned to the southwest, where Wei Kan and Wang Wei were brought to the capital together, and Yun Che contacted Wang Guoan. After a few hours, they met in the capital. When they made the proposal, Wang Wei and Wei Kan said they could not accept it. After the battle in the southwest, they obviously do not want to be involved in the struggle for rights anymore. In this kind of eschatology, ordinary living is the greatest happiness.

"Do you think it is possible to live an ordinary life without doing anything in this world?"

Yun Che didn't threaten them, he just said a fact calmly, he also wanted to live ordinary, and he was very angry and ordinary in the previous life, but what happened? To live an ordinary life, you must first have the power that no one can shake. Only when your strength reaches the level that others can only look up, and even dare to be jealous, can you truly live the life you want, then Like the absolute dominance of Chaoyang Pinnacle in the Southwest Base abilities.

"At least you do n’t have to fight with each other, Yun Che, I have counted with the Pharaoh more than once, and the battle between the three armies, we are defeated entirely because of your accident, we lost, and we were convinced. It is easy to accept his own failure. When you are comfortable with the status quo, you culprit want to pull us out and continue the fight. Do you think this is appropriate? "

Wei Kan was also drunk. He thought that something big had happened. He had to bring them to the capital, but he didn't expect it ... he knew that there would be battles in Yunche, and he knew it was like this, he would Pretend to be sick or something, and you won't come to Beijing when killed.

"What is not suitable, Lao Wei, we are all so familiar, so why bother?"

When he heard that he was about to turn over the old account with him, Yun Che quickly approached him, but now he really needed their assistance.

"You come less, do you know you on the first day as a laborer?"

Well, Wei Kan has suffered too many times and has concluded his experience. At first glance, Yun Che's appearance shows that he is uneasy and kind.


Yun Che's brain was dark, and he scolded himself that he shouldn't have been too hard before. Look, the ministry tuned Lao Wei into a stunned bow. What can they talk about next?

"Don't look at me. I didn't know you for the first day."

But when his eyes turned to Wang Wei, before he had time to speak, Wang Wei cut off him first. Will he suffer less than Wei? Yun Che just **** the **** and mingled with him, they would not turn **** into shit.

Looking at everything, Mo Wenyang and others couldn't help covering their mouths and giggling, including Xing Feng and Yun Yan, although they were also made.

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