Young Military Rarities

Chapter 384: Black feather, memory is sealed? !! (2)

Heiyu was speechless for a while before saying "I don't mean to hide from you, but I feel like my memory has been sealed, or for thousands of years, I forgot what I should remember For example, what **** beast I am, I remember that the plane I live on is at the top, and I remember a lot of things there, but I ca n’t remember which vein of the beast you belong to. You do n’t think this is strange. Also? Master, your weapon, how did it appear in the space and was placed under the Bitan, I do n’t know, but I know that it must be an artifact and the lowest is a sacred artifact, otherwise there will be no With such a powerful lethality, I should reasonably say that as a guardian beast of space, I should know its origin, and all holy vessels should have instrument souls, and they have been quietly checked. Your sword has no instrument soul. "

Heiyu didn't fool them this time. He really suspected that his memory was out of order, and forgetting might still be very, very important.

"It turns out you don't remember ..."

Regarding what he is a **** beast, Yun Che always thought he did n’t say it intentionally. I did n’t expect "You did n’t say that if the space master dies, the space will return to chaos. Everything restarts. Will you wait in space again?" Could it be because the space was originally owned by the owner, and the knife was also left by him, but he was dead, so you forgot his affairs? "

Otherwise, who can seal the memory of Black Feather? If he forgets it, he thinks it is impossible, it can only be a seal, but Black Feather never left the space before meeting him, and in the space, he has absolute dominance, except for the owner of this space, Yun Che really can't think of anyone else who can seal his memory.


Hei Yu's mood is inevitably low. Anyway, those are his memories. Who would hope that his memory is missing? Most importantly, after he felt the existence of the divine beast in the sea, he gradually remembered some things. Only then did he suspect that his memory was problematic. He always felt that the lack of his memory might be related to the earth, that is, to the original owner of the earth and the guardian beast, so he always urged Yun Che to become stronger. He really has something to do with the earth, and therefore leads to the owner or guardian beast of the earth. At that time, the master is afraid that it will be difficult to deal with them. After all, they have been there for many years, and it is impossible to estimate that it is too high.

Seeing him look sad, Yun Che grabbed him and put it on his own leg. "Okay, isn't it just that I don't know what kind of beast he is, what's so sad about it? With your lower limit, I know it all. Is it okay? "

"Um, are you sure to comfort me, not bury it?"

Who can comfort others like this? Kurowa expresses a strong speechlessness.

"Of course, do you think anyone can be as horrible as you are? It's also a kind of patience, don't let it go."

He narrowed his eyes, Yun Che took it for granted, but Hei Yu had the urge to wave his paw to his face. Damn, he knew that the master was never a good thing, expecting him to hurt him? It is better to expect sows to fly in the sky.

But it is undeniable that after Yun Che's impassable comfort, the atmosphere eased a lot, and the black feather was not so low.

"Speaking of black feather, apart from this, you should have something Qian didn't say, right?"

"Nonsense, I did n’t say much, you do n’t have to fight with those outside all day long. It ’s okay to retreat and practice. Only when you reach the ascension period can the **** beast complete the task and return to mine. Plane, and you have n’t forgotten that the owner of the earth is still alive? What if he is back? You are also the owner of the space. You should know that once he returns, you will definitely find your existence immediately. If he is still in this space, If you have feelings, you're going to be bad. "

He waved him away, and Black Feather leapt to the back of the sofa.

What a bad mold? What do you mean?

"Why do I get moldy?"

I do n’t know why, Yun Che ’s heart was filled with an ominous premonition, and Black Feather rolled his eyes weakly. “Do you know that parallel spaces can be merged? Although the two spaces are merged, you are both masters, you ca n’t tolerate two tigers, even one male and one female You feel

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