Young Military Rarities

Chapter 386: Just to do destruction (3)

Coerce the picture, a group of people who talked about him, look at me and look at you, and sneer at the same time, it seems that they really think so, wasn't they just trying to destroy it?

"Ding Ding ..."

The phone rang suddenly, Xing Feng answered strangely, "Hey."

"Xiao Xing, there are a few people in the family who say they are looking for you. Ming Xuan has told him that you are out. He still insists to stay and wait for you. When do you see when you will come back?"

Yun Yao's voice came out from the phone. Xing Feng asked casually, "Who is this? Did you say your name?"

Recently, there are more people looking for them. The representatives of several major bases all want to plant secrets. They come to visit all day. Ye Jiashu's family also comes to the door by Ye Xingchen's relationship. There are also major The family also sent people to visit them several times, and it was too common for people to come to the house.

"It's called Galway, and Mingxuan knows him."

"Galway ?!"

Hearing this name, Xing Feng frowned subconsciously. Since the last time, he has never touched them again. This time he went to their home intentionally. Why? Don't tell him that they are narrating the old ones again. They don't have so many old things to narrate. He only believes when he has water in his head.

At the same time, hearing the words Gao Wei blurted out from him, Yun Che and others' attention shifted to him. Xing Feng motioned his eyes to signal them to wait, and said to Yun Yao on the other side of the phone, "We'll be right back."

"Galway went to our house?"

When he hung up, Yun Che immediately asked, and at the same time someone heard their conversation, he quietly typed a film of air to wrap them.

"Well, Mingxuan is entertaining him, and we will only know the details of it when we go back."

Nodded, Xing Feng put away the phone.

"Then let's go back and see Uncle to see what purpose he has."

Without going to the Three Treasure Hall, he believes that Galway can never be as simple as suddenly wanting to visit them.

"Well, come back."

Taking the car out of space, a group of people got on the car one after another. Galway's ambitions and things studied by the Northeast base mutants did not hide from everyone, so they all knew what role Galway played Therefore, they also held strong suspicions and doubts about his sudden visit.

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