Young Military Rarities

Chapter 390: Tough, look for abuse! (3)

Come and pick up the little bun wrapped in the arms of your sister like a meat dumpling. "Ah ..."

Seeing him, the little bun raised his chubby little hand and kept waving, and the calf kicked hard, as if trying to touch Dad's face, Yun Che took him a kiss, held him up, and the little hand immediately He grabbed his ear, and the little mouth that dipped in his mouth made up his face.

"Little fool, how could there be such a kiss? Dad's ears are so fun?"

Yun Che was amused immediately from the face to the ears, and Yun Che was amused. When he opened his hand and hugged him a little further, Xiao Baozi immediately pouted, tears and eyes complaining of his inhumanity, Yun Che had to Surrender, put his ears into his hands again and let him play casually, and at the same time patted his hands on his buttocks twice "only for a while."

"Ahhhh ..."

However, when the other two little buns saw this scene, they immediately quit and successively extended their hands in his direction. Ye Xingchen and Jiang Shang almost couldn't hold it. Yunche suddenly cried and laughed, "Okay you guys, my What ’s so funny about your ears? Stop there. "

He couldn't understand why he usually didn't spend much time holding them to tease them. A few small buns just loved to play with him? Is it really the nature of father and son?

"Hehe Che brother, you honestly explain, isn't Xing Da often playing with your ears in front of children, would they rather stare at your ears?"

Zhou Zeyu immediately jumped together with interest, and Ye Xingchen and others looked at Yun Che with amusement.

Eyes swept over them one by one, and Yun Che looked at Zhou Zeyu meaningfully. "Do you want Xiu Jie to retreat again?"

"Fuck, shameless, shameless!"

After hearing that, Zhou Zeyu screamed indignantly, turned around and hugged Xiu Jie. "Xiao Jie, remember to stay away from him, don't follow him badly. In human beings, if he admits he is shameless, he will find I dare not say that I am first. "

"What, Brother Che is staring at you."

If he could, Xiu Jie didn't want to pierce him, but who made him a man commit two crimes.


Zhou Zeyu glanced at the opportunity, and just hit Yun Che's line of sight. "Brother Che, I'm praising you."

"Well, you continue to boast, I listen."

Yun Che nodded his head, and made a hand to make a please gesture, Zhou Zeyu was almost scared to cry "Brother Che, I'm wrong, shall we not retreat?"

Really retreat, where can he find his wife?

"Okay, in the future you will stay outside every night and do n’t have to go back to space."


"Haha ..."

When he saw his nod, Zhou Zeyu quietly rejoiced, but after hearing what he said later, Zhou Zeyu immediately became dark, and Ye Xingchen and others smiled unceremoniously, knowing that it was not Yun Che's opponent. Every time I commit crimes, no one except Zhou Zeyu!

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