Young Military Rarities

Chapter 395: Enter the Liu Family, New Hate and Old Hate (3)

Liu Xizhen didn't dare to do any more tricks. Now he just hopes that the police can hurry up, or the Liu family will really be destroyed.

"you sure?"

His intensely murderous eyes locked him momentarily, Yun Che asked word by word, his face looked blank, but his heart exploded. If it wasn't Liu Family, there would be only one person left. .

As far as Yun Che could think, Xing Feng Mo Wenyang and others could think of it, Galway, I didn't expect it to be him!


"Then you are useless."

Before Liu Xi's remarks were finished, Yun Che interrupted him directly, and the purple and black poisonous mist diffused towards them.

"No, Yun Che, you can't. We don't know what Lin Hongzhi did. You can't do this."

"Ah ... my face ..."

"Zizi ..."

"Ah ..."

The poisonous mist is extremely corrosive. When they touch their skin, they sizzle quickly, corroding their flesh and blood, and the screams come and go. Among them, there is also the crazy roar of Liu Xiyu. Yun Che has not had time to say anything. There were chaotic footsteps.

"Do not……"

Immediately after, Liu Xizhao rushed in with Zhu Ping and saw that his family was being devoured a little by poison, and Liu Xizhao shouted hoarsely.

"Brother save me ..."

"Uncle hum ..."

"Help, save us ..."

The Liu family, who had been corroded by the poisonous mist, could not move. They extended their hands in the direction of Liu Xizhao. Among them, no one was still intact. Everyone was corroded by the poisonous mist, some even the whole leg. The department was gone, only Sensen's bones were left, and some of the faces were rotten, but there was still a last breath.

"Why? Why so cruel? We didn't do anything at all."

Liu Xizhao yelled and rushed towards Yun Che. When Jiang Shang threw his whip, he immediately flew him out.


The flung body rolled on the ground for several laps before stopping. Yun Che suddenly stepped forward and stepped on his chest. Then, a document was dropped on his face. "Nothing done? Liu Xizhao I did n’t touch you. You thought you did n’t know what you were doing? One year ago, you as the head of state ordered Wang Guoqiang to supervise and find an opportunity to assassinate us. This is a document you signed in person and opened you up. The dog's eyes clearly see, you also ordered you to install a spy in the southwest to assassinate my sister, brother, little nephew, and even anyone on the peak. After we arrived in Beijing, you sent people more than once to obstruct our mission. You know that Lin Hongzhi's grudges against us, and deliberately pushed him out to disgusted us, all the pieces were made by your Liu family, now you dare to say nothing?

He is not a murderer. Others don't provoke him. He is too lazy to use other powers to kill people. Blame it. He shouldn't touch his inverse scale again and again, even if the Liu family has innocent people? How many of them are not innocent? Anything can happen in the last days. Cutting the grass without removing the roots will mean how much trouble it will cause him. If he kills himself, he has no intention of letting anyone away from the Liu family, just as Liu Xizhao is right. Their three siblings did the same.

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