Young Military Rarities

Chapter 407: Top 10 families in Beijing (2)

Similarly, if there is a bit of personal complaint, someone will take someone to the house of another person. "

A man in his forties looked at it with a glaring retort, seeing that the nameplate in front of him read Pang Guoli. It should be the Pang family.

The conference room was quiet for a moment, and no one in the major families spoke. Everyone seemed to have a heart to spy on them, and quietly gave Tan Weiye a look. Yun Che smiled and looked at Pang Guoli. "General Pang said Yes, shouting and shouting because of a little bit of personal grievance is indeed too much, but I have a hypothetical question and would like to ask General Pang. I do n’t know if Fang is inconvenient to hear Yun Che say this and understand his Xing Feng When the Ministry of People smiled tacitly, people who did n’t know him were troublesome. How could he admit that he was so refreshing, he felt pitted subconsciously, but no one was a real fool when he was here. If Yun Che only came to confess , Then they will no doubt be very disappointed.

"Please speak."

The fact that Pang Guoli reached out and asked for a favor, the superior's posture was very sufficient, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, just that Yun Che was not placed on the same scale as him.

"It is said that General Pang's daughter is already married. If one day, my peak person will look after your son-in-law, and in order to get him, you will continue to send people to assassinate your daughter's grandson. What will you do to trip you up and kill your son? "

Yun Che smiled, but this time he never thought about who he was, and he didn't feel like pitting them, just to take the example, but Pang Guoli was so dark, staring at him for a long time, even if he didn't answer. Everyone present can imagine his answer. If a big family like them is bullied into that share, they will definitely take revenge. What base is peaceful and not peaceful, talk to their faces and Compared with dignity, base peace is a fart!

"The cloud team means, what did Liu Xizhao do to you?"

For a while, the Pang family couldn't come down from the stage. Father Pang had to speak out to save the scene. The brief confrontation was enough to make him see clearly that Yun Che would never be pinched by anyone.

"I'm serious, I have a document here, and you might as well look at it."

Yun Che did not deny it. In line with what he said, Gu Mingxuan took out the documents and sent them to them in order, saying that the documents were actually just a piece of paper. It was the photocopy of the order letter issued to Liu Guoqiang by Liu Xi at the time. It can be unilaterally proved that Liu Xizhao has indeed acted on them, but it is also enough to let the savvy and powerful people in the presence know the full truth.

When they saw the document, Yun Che sighed a bit grievously and said, "Secretary Wan is profoundly righteous. Look at the pitiful brothers and sisters, and didn't follow the instructions on the document. But someone did it. Lin Hongzhi, who works in the southwest, thanks to his gift. My brother Yun Gang almost died under the energy gun we developed. What we will develop in the future, but we dare not publish it casually. You talk about it. If my brother is really The energy gun kills me, how much do I succumb? "

Where do you look pitiful? !!

Everyone at the scene secretly whispered that the poor would pick someone else's wedding upset and destroy two people as soon as he shot it. If he was poor, there would be no luck in this world.

Because of what he said, everyone's inner activities are very rich, but these people are all enough to call the wind and rain in the capital, but it's not obvious at all, but Yun Che's last words made them all frown. In other words, the research area is undoubtedly the strongest in the southwest. If their research is not published in the future, it is definitely them who suffer.

"Then why don't you do it early or late, but you chose yesterday?"

On the other side, the people of the Confucian family also made a noise, and Yun Che turned his eyes. I do n’t know if you know. They not only killed my family, but also kidnapped my pet and my nephew. It ’s you, can you bear it? ”

Would you please change us without moving?

Everyone was speechless. Yun Che made it clear that he gave them all the right and wrong to judge, and judged by their superiority as a member of the big family.

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