Young Military Rarities

Chapter 409: Reject Yun Che's proposal (3)

I'm really rude. I want a batch as soon as I open my mouth. What else does Yun Che say? Xing Feng is speechless before. "You really ca n’t be a star as a professional animal trainer? His energy is limited. Approved? "

Ye Xingchen is just a power trainer, not a real trainer, okay?

"I don't care. It's up to you anyway. You take care of it for me."

Well, Xing Wanxin simply fiddled, saying that the younger the younger, the older the younger the younger, this is true.

"Okay, it's not mutant birds. How big is it, grandpa, Mo Lao, you have 20 mutant eagles in your army, can you?"

Yun Che, who wanted to say anything else, fought round and round, and he was always very generous in treating his own people. Anyway, with black feathers, it is not difficult to get these mutant eagles. Honor the old gentlemen.

"Xiao Che, don't forget about our beachside."

Before the masters, Tan Weiye hurriedly compacted. Of course, he knew that Yun Che had forgotten anyone and he could not forget them. In fact, when Cheung had a mission some time ago, Yun Che made a batch of mutant eagles. In the space, it was clear that it was prepared for him. "Of course, Binhai is my mother's house."

"Haha ..."

Yun Che's words amused Weiye, and he liked that he was so close to them.

"By the way, grandpa, if you want to fix the ground as soon as possible, the revenge of the newspaper has been reported. Next, we must work hard to exercise ourselves. After we help you get the planting done, we are ready to return to the southwest. The land is well-circled, and it can be planted directly after the year, and it can be harvested in the next June or July. "

The conversation turned around, and Yun Che corrected the crooked building again. Then he closed the retreat and sprinted to repair it. He didn't have much time to stay outside.

"Well, I think so too, and arrange it tomorrow."

The prisoner and Mo Lao looked at each other and nodded.

"Grandpa, Brother Ye, let's go back to Binhai in two days, and then come back a month later, we will get the land in Binhai first."

Anyway, they now have a space corridor, and going back and forth between the two bases is as convenient as driving before the end of the world, which is very convenient.

"No problem. We have been out for two or three months. It's time to go back and see."

"That's the decision."

The two brothers made the decision themselves, and they were too lazy to talk about the old man. Now he is gathering with the old comrades, and by the way, bring the children, no matter how big or small he is, he believes that the brother of Tan Weiye Yunche Yunyun One who can handle everything.

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