Young Military Rarities

Chapter 410: The so-called Ye Family (2)


Thinking that Jiang Shang was jealous, Ye Xingyu returned to the black line and quickly explained his identity.


Jiang Shang shook his head and thought for a long time before continuing to say "I don't like it."

Well, although he seems to answer very seriously, the Ye family does not have their own translation capabilities like Ye Xingchen, and they really cannot understand what he wants to express.

"Well, Xiao Jiang, I'm fine."

Different from facing Ye ’s alienation, in the face of Jiang Shang, Ye Xingchen is spoiled and full of love. Even people with sensory disorders can feel his indulgence and tolerance for Jiang Shang, perhaps because He has a relationship more than six years older than Jiang Shang. He has always loved Jiang Shang. He always prioritizes Jiang Shang whenever and wherever he is.


Similarly, in the face of Ye Xingchen, Jiang Shang turned his face like turning a book. He was so cute and cute that he looked like a large cute pet.

"Good, reward you when you go back."

Ignoring the gaze of dozens of eyes present, Ye Xingchen, a little shorter than Jiang Shang, reached out and touched his head. It was just like a pet. Jiang Shang was still very useful. He smiled and nodded straight, two men. Such greasyness should be very evil, but the two have high face values, good bodies and deep feelings, but they feel very harmonious, as if they are the most suitable for each other, regardless of their gender.

"Cough in."

Ye Qishan didn't naturally cough two times and took the lead to enter with Shu Lao. The two elderly people today can feel the feeling of a young man's so-called strong dog food.

"Brother Jiang, let's go in too."

Ye Xingyu, who has been standing in front of them and feeling the sweet atmosphere of the two at a close distance, is all kinds of unnatural. Although he knew that his brother was with the man, he could never dream of it. The relationship between them could be so good. Fortunately, he couldn't wait for the fire to burn them, shit, they just didn't leave a way for single dogs.

"Thank you!"

Compared to Jiang Shang's feelings for his younger brother, Ye Xingchen didn't feel much about Ye Xingyu. He was 11 years older than Ye Xingyu. When he was surrounded by his parents, he was already receiving a rigorous elite education. When he couldn't stand the atmosphere and persecution at home, he was only a few years old when he ran away from home. There can be no communication between them. To him, Ye Xingyu is like everyone in the Ye family. Just a stranger with the same blood as him.

Eldest brother

Polite and alienated, this is what Ye Xingyu felt from his elder brother. Looking at their backs, Ye Xingyu couldn't help but be a little embarrassed, and he couldn't help feeling a little envious of Jiang Shang. It was his elder brother, but he didn't like his brother.

"Huh, isn't it a role that Dad doesn't care about his mother, and he really doesn't like his family."

Ye Lin's unhappy mood, Ye Xingchen's existence will always be a thorn in her heart, especially after she has a son, she is even more worried that Ye Xingchen will block her son's future. For many years, she has spared no effort to give Ye Yijin Blowing on the pillow, calmly provoking the relationship between father and son, also successfully squeezed Ye Xingchen out of the Ye family. In those years, when Ye Yijin mentioned Ye Xingchen, he was full of impatience. On the contrary, her son replaced After Ye Xingchen became the only heir of the family, not only were the couples spoiled, but even the old man loved him, but he did not expect that Ye Xingchen was back again. The old man's attitude made her rise from the bottom of her heart. With a strong sense of crisis, the more I saw Ye Xingchen, the more I felt uncomfortable.

"Mom, just say a few words."

Ye Xingyu looked at his mother helplessly, and he was not stupid, would he not know what his mother was thinking about? But Ye Xingchen was his elder brother. Even if Grandpa really gave Ye family to him, it doesn't matter. Besides, he doesn't think that elder brother has the rarity of Ye family.

"Let me say a few words? Xingyu, do you know if he returns?"

Ye Lin's immediately became unhappy, but after all, Ye Xingyu was a young man of eighteen, how could she listen to her to talk about her mother-in-law's affairs?

"Mom, I

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