Young Military Rarities

Chapter 412: Wolf Wolf Jiang Shang (3)

Those scruples are needed.

"How's it going?"

When Yun Che and others entered, Leng Yehan had just fed a bowl of soup, was picking up a tissue on the bedside table, and wiped his mouth. It looked a little weak, and Yun Yun smiled slightly. "Good."

God knows how envious he was when he was a zombie. Others have heartbeats, breaths, and body temperature. These are things as long as they are personal, but he has none. Now that he feels his heartbeat, breath, and temperature, he really feels alive. of.

"It's a little pale, but there should be no problem. After all, as a zombie, your body's functions should have stopped, and now you have recovered again. It's also a good idea to take some time to support. Is your power still there?"

Sit down by the bed, Yun Che looked up and down, and yesterday's excitement and excitement had all precipitated.

"Everything is still there, and it's still ten."

Speaking of this, Yun Yun was also very surprised. At the same time, he also found that there was still a little bit of red in his tan, which was no longer pure black, and the fangs had completely disappeared.

"Well, that's pretty good. When your body recovers, you can start practicing, I think, in the end, we will decide with the shadow, I'm afraid we have to rely on cultivation."

Yun Che also said that he was very surprised, and then he couldn't hide his happiness. In this way, Xiaoxiong didn't need to come over again. It was their extra income. He had already done what he could. Be prepared to lose abilities, or degrade abilities.

"Well, let Brother Shi teach me then. Will the outside work be done?"

After he woke up, Leng Yehan told him that they went out to deal with things.

"Forget it, these two days still need to go out to show up, go and see tomorrow, if they are willing, I plan to let them all into the space, but will not be incorporated into the peak for the time being, and I will talk about it when Fei Ye comes back later, Thunder It also takes three days, and then see how they decide, we will go to the beach in a few days. "

Going to the seashore is not only to help talk about Weiye's land issues, but also to hide people's eyes, because next, they will retreat in space and try their best to improve their strength.

"Well, it will take some time for the major family enclosures, and it will be the same when we return to the New Year.


Knowing what his brother meant, Yun Zheng nodded in agreement. They really needed to be stronger. "That's it, you can rest. Let's go to dinner. Let Ye Han take you out for a walk later. Even if you recover, you can't stay in bed all the time."

With that, Yun Che stood up holding Xiaopeng Chen, it was almost six o'clock, and he was indeed a little hungry. "Huh."

Watching them leave, Yun Yan nodded slightly, Leng Yehan leaned over and hugged his shoulder, "Sleeping for a while?"

"Do you sleep with me?"

Raising his hand and touching his scum on his face, Yun Yan raised an eyebrow. Even if he didn't say it, he knew that he had never closed his eyes. His brother ’s love for him had never been reserved. "

As long as it was his request, Leng Yehan would not refuse. Leaning in his arms, Yun Yan closed his eyes gently, his face was faintly happy, and they would get better and better.

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