Young Military Rarities

Chapter 414: District D first, Dragon Team (3)

With pink bubbles.

"Captain, we haven't finished talking about responding to the call of the army."

—A thick voice suddenly rang, and many people narrowed their smiles because of this. Ye Xingchen glanced at it calmly. It was a brawny back, looking up to thirty strong men, with a long one beside him. A pretty woman, there is only one woman on the entire conference table, but this person Ye Xingchen and Jiang Shang do not know each other.

"What's the hurry? There is time to discuss slowly."

Jiang Guohao's eyes sank. This person was only absorbed after the last days. Currently, he is the captain of the seventeenth team, called Zhang Feng, a sixth-level gold department, has a strong fighting force, and people are crazy. Sometimes he does n’t even look at him. If it hadn't been for the fact that most of the powers absorbed in the last days were on his side, he would have let him go.

"Of course you have time, Captain. We can be busy. In my opinion, simply follow our proposal. Each team selects several level 4 abilities to form a team to support it. The military has not promised us any good. Why bother to die? Everyone says it is not? "

He didn't take his sternness at all, Zhang Feng said to himself, several people nodded and nodded, apparently belonged to him, and he had previously called on Jiang Shang's middle-aged man Shen Sheng Road

"You're pretty good. Now there are a lot of zombies outside the 7th level. All the 4th-level abilities are sent out, shouldn't they be sent to death? Besides, we are the top team in District D. If we only send Level 4 Psalms, what would others think of us? "

"The Zhao team is right. No matter how we send people, we can't just send fourth-level abilities."

"Yes, yes, it is best to be led by a six-level team leader. Although the military has not promised anything, but since we have helped, they will not treat us badly. If we do not help now, the military will have to Give us small shoes, that would be troublesome. "

"The money team makes sense?"

The words of the middle-aged man known as the Zhao team received a response from most people. These people were basically all managers of the former Longteng Group at all levels. They were regarded as Jiang Guohao's confidants, and they would normally listen to him.

"The Zhao team said so well, why don't you take a team? Save us wasting time here." It was tantamount to the besieged Zhang Feng, although not annoyed, but he looked like a rogue. The Zhao team immediately became angry. face.


"Funny, this is the whole thing of Longteng. How can you let the first team be the sole agent? Zhang Feng, if you feel that you are wasting time, you can leave immediately and leave Longteng!"

A fierce slap was lined up on the table, Jiang Guohao stood up timidly. The last four words can be described as powerful and vocal. No matter how he was also the president of an international company before the end of the world, he brought the dragon from scratch to the end after the end. Zone d is number one. How could it be without any momentum? He usually reads that he is good at Long Teng, and it also represents a place where the abilities that have been absorbed into Long Teng can open one eye and close one eye. He pretends not to know that Xiao Shang and Xing Chen are rare here. He As the rules disappeared, he couldn't tolerate him.

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