Young Military Rarities

Chapter 415: Lesson from Zhang Feng, Inviting Longteng No. 415

Continue to emphasize what, but the Zhao team aside resignedly sighed helplessly. "In this way, we will only have two space departments in Longteng, and it will be troublesome for future missions."

Fortunately, those with advanced powers say that everyone will be promoted as long as they are willing to work hard, but the space department is not what they want to find. The three space departments also took the effort of the boss to get it.


The other team captains also sighed. They were not blaming Ye Xingchen, but simply felt sorry and heavy. The space department was not the most important, but without the space department, there would undoubtedly be more trouble.

"Well, we have so many peaks."

Ye Xingchen's voice suddenly passed into their ears again, and everyone looked at him inexplicably. Ye Xingchen waved his hand to signal everyone to sit down again. Everyone couldn't help but wonder, even Jiang Guohao frowned, right in his When he was ready to ask, Ye Xingchen preempted, "Dad, in fact, we are here today to have a very important thing to say to you, everyone is better, this ca n’t be dragged on, it ’s like this, we will be in a few days I ’m going to Binhai. I ’m afraid the number of times I will return to Beijing is very limited, so we would like to ask dad, would you like to go with us to the southwest? Although the southwest is not as big as the capital base, Lingjiang faces the Lingjiang River. With the back of the Longmen Mountains, at least a few streets of Beijing will be safely removed, and you and Xiao Jiang will not be separated from each other in the future. "

Ye Xingchen didn't say anything about space. After all, he still doesn't know whether they will go to the southwest, and how many people are willing to go together. The hidden things, the less people know the better.


Of course Jiang Guohao wanted to go to the southwest with his son, but he glanced at the subordinates on the conference table. He was a little hesitant. He could be his own master, but he could not be their master.

"team leader!"

The captains of all the divisions looked at Jiang Guohao inconsistently. After all, Longteng was the first in District D in Beijing. If they gave up this advantage and started again in the southwest, they would be a little bit reluctant, but the captain finally found his own son and made them father and son They were a little bit uncomfortable apart. No matter how much they talked to Jiang Guohao's younger men, they still had deep feelings.

I looked at his team captains one by one, and Jiang Guohao exhaled a deep breath. "From my personal point of view, I certainly want to go to the southwest with Xiao Shang, but I will not force everyone to go with me. You guys have been with me for many years, and we will definitely respect your opinions. Please consider this matter first, give me a reply after you have considered it, and I will decide what to do. "

Jiang Guohao is not a young man in his twenties. Even if he can do it arbitrarily, he will not do it. He has a son and others, and he will respect their choice to the greatest extent.

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