Young Military Rarities

Chapter 417: Yun Che's Power (3)

The base can not only solve the follow-up problems, but also create more planting land, and achieve the goal of having land for everyone and filling the stomach for everyone. "

Yun Che's idea was more than just a shock to Mo Wenyang. Even Xing Feng and Tan Weiye were a bit overwhelmed. It was too powerful. Except for him, it is estimated that no one has the courage.

"I agree with Xiao Che's proposal. The edible materials are basically not collected now. Instead of risking hunting mutant beasts, it is better to create more planting areas. There are three troops in the southwest, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, plus one million different. If you can, it is not difficult to mobilize everyone to achieve this goal. "

After a bit of contemplation, Yun Feng, who was in charge of driving, thought that Yun Che's plan was indeed crazy and bold, but it could undoubtedly solve the problem fundamentally.

"While the ability is activated, the materials needed are not small."

Although Mo Wenyang did not express his position, he also seriously thought about them. They are all people who are doing big things. Since Yun Che has put forward the courage, he would not have the courage to implement it.

"What supplies? You don't need to be remunerated, tell them everything is for the base, no matter who they are, they are all driven out of the base."


Yun Che's words once again made Mo Wenyang's forehead dark, and the twitching of his mouth couldn't stop. Nima was indeed a fierce beast in the town house. It was too cruel, but this time it was very cruel.

"Okay, just do it."

Tucao returned to Tucao, Mo Wenyang put a tooth on his mouth, and finally made a decision. "But Yun Che, now the seventh-level zombies are already rampant. Except for your peak in Chaoyang, there are no seventh-level abilities, this time we want The expansion is very wide, and you will definitely encounter a lot of high-level zombies or zombies, etc. You must lend someone to me. "

With their highest level six ability, there are no more people than level seven zombies.

"Well, I knew I would release people when I was in the southwest. Forget it, see when you leave Binhai. I will gather all the people who have reached the seventh level at the peak of Chaoyang, and you will be brought back with the punishment. "

"I also want?"

Xing Feng vacated a finger to point to himself, Yun Che smiled and looked at him, of course, in case there are eight zombies, there is nothing impossible in the last days, you all go to the southwest to help, I will go back and forth by the sea alone And Beijing is fine. "

"Okay, you have the final say."

Why do n’t you say that he is a summoning beast? This is too obedient. Although they did n’t do anything, Tan Weiye, sitting behind, felt that he had been hit by hundreds of millions of tons. Don't sprinkle dog food? They are not single dogs, but at this moment they are better than single dogs, and they are instantly stuffed with dog food.

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