Young Military Rarities

Chapter 419: Oh you, it hurts!

Chapter 419 Sting You, It hurts!

At a glance, Yunyao has been living on the seashore for more than a year. Maybe it is because of her change of identity. People on the seashore are not like the southwest or the capital. They are very warm and friendly. Every time they take their children out People who walk will always say hello to them. In just over a year, they have become very familiar with people in the compound, especially three small buns.

Little buns, almost two years old, grow a little taller than ordinary children. They are full of little fat and tender, and they are as cute as when they were young in the morning. I do n’t know if they were brought up by women such as Yunyao Wang Suhua The reason is that the two-year-old buns have a sweet mouth. When they see everyone ’s uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, they do n’t like anyone who has seen them, especially when they know they are still Xing Fengyun Che After the children, everyone can't wait to spoil them.

However, the steamed buns are also really naughty. Generally, triplets like them will fight for things, and they will be the same, but they are not robbing their own people, nor fighting with each other, but specifically bullying others, Often, all brothers go together, and even children older than them are often swollen and swollen, causing Yunyao to apologize for three days and two ends. When they are angry and want to stab them, they either hold her coquettishly or go to the past. Grandpa or Uncle hid there, and often Yunya was so angry that he couldn't help crying. "Aunt ?? I was wrong."


This is not the case, today Yunyao went to apologize again, because in the morning they took the grandson of the next door to the old Wang family, even if Xing Shibo ’s child also split the thunder, his parents were almost urinary incontinence. It ’s not that big. Yun Yao is really angry. She always walks in front and ignores them. She chases buns behind her, and her awake keeps calling. The accompanying Wang Suhua Lu mother Confucius does n’t know whether to cry or to Laugh, the kid is getting skinny.

"Is this sloppy again? Did something happen?"

"?? Xiao Che ?!"

Yun Yao, who had just entered the yard, stepped into a meal, staring at Uncle Lei, who was leaning on the door with a smile on his face, and Yun Feng, who stood with him, and others.

"Ah Xiao Che, you are out."

"Haixuan Haoyu"

"Family text"

The three Wang Suhua who followed were also excited, and looked red in the eyes. Lu Haixuan Zhan Yafei and others hurried forward and hugged them. Yun Che also came to her sister. "Why? I haven't seen you for a year, sister you Don't you know us? "

"Shit boy, you know how to come out, oh oh ??"

Yunyao choked and choked, and before he finished speaking, he burst into his arms and wept, his fists gently beating against his chest, and the chubby Chen drilled out from behind pulled his clothes, "Mom, and Me, I come out too. "

"Morning Morning"

Seeing his son, Yunyao squatted down and hugged him to cry even more. It's been more than a year. Although they had a good life and lacked nothing, Grandpa and Weiye also took care of them and took time every day to accompany them. They ate together, and she also knew that they were working for their future, but she couldn't help but seeing them, all her thoughts turned into tears.

"Okay sister, aren't we out here?"

Released Xing Feng's hand, Yun Che squatted down and hugged him, Yun Yun also embraced her from the other side "Don't cry sister, we are not going to take risks, this is not all good."

That being said, Yun Yan's heart was also a bit sour. They didn't feel it when they practiced in the space. It took more than a year to blink like a blink of an eye, but my sister spent every day outside. It was more than a year after they closed the retreat, and no wonder she was so excited.

"Mom doesn't cry!"

Seeing his mother cry so sadly, Xiaochen Chen also choked a little. Although he was strong enough to dump many adults for several streets, he was only a six-year-old child. In front of his mother, he was a little baby.


Suddenly, a silvery white Razer flew towards Yun Che, and everyone was shocked. Xing Feng was about to come forward, and when Yun Che raised his hand, the aggressive Razer disappeared without a shadow.

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