Young Military Rarities

Chapter 421: Baby fat was hacked againNo. 421

Yun Che couldn't help lowering the curse and the mutant research base. Since Fei Ye could take such a photo, he must have mixed it in. With his ability, it is difficult for ordinary people to find him, but Black Shadow is one with Galway. Dude, although he can't notice all the small details, what if? Once found, Fei Ye is dead? No, he will not die, they will definitely make him the strongest mutant.

Everyone else was a little bit confused and didn't understand what he was cursing, but Xing Feng hugged his shoulder and said in a deep voice, "Send him another email to let him leave the Northeast immediately."

Fei Ye returned to his foe. Fei Ye did all this for Yun Che. At this time, he couldn't even care about eating those flying vinegars that he should not eat.


Nodded with a somber face, Yun Che quickly tapped an email and sent it out. Everyone seemed to have a taste of it. His face was more or less unattractive, although it was said that when Fei Ye lived with them, basically Only interacting with Yun Che, but since Yun Che recognizes him as a friend, they naturally recognize it. Now that their friend is in danger, can they not worry about it.

"Wait for his reply, and I don't know when he will see it."

Throwing away his notebook, Yun Che rubbed the bridge of his nose irritably. The atmosphere was a bit dull for a while. No one spoke again until Yun Yao came to ask them to eat, and the atmosphere became active again.

"Sister Yao, I really love you!"

Chu Haoyu, who had n’t eaten for a long time, saw the table full of food and almost drooled. Opening his arms, he was ready to give Yun Yao a warm hug. Lu Haixuan grabbed his hand and grabbed his neck first. Bring him to the table "Don't you miss Miss Yao's cooking? Hurry up and eat."

While speaking, Lu Haixuan also gave him a big stewed chicken leg.

"唔唔 好 delicious? People still have to eat decisively"

In the temptation of food, Chu Haoyu decisively ignored Lu Haixuan's halfway interception, took a bite of a deliciously oily chicken leg, and his face suddenly filled with happiness.

"Every time I watch Hao Yun eat, I feel appetite."

Ye Xingchen Jiang Shang also sat down and heard him say that Jiang Shang immediately clamped another chicken leg into his bowl, "Senior, eat."

"haha okay."

Facing the grievances of the masses, Ye Xingchen picked up the chopsticks with a smile. He was not as rude as Chu Haoyu. He just peeled a piece of stewed soft meat with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. It's spreading, don't say, Yaoyao's cooking seems to be getting better and better, Xiao Jiang helped me to make a bowl of soup. "

"it is good."

Seniors are in need, Jiang Shang is absolutely inescapable. Seeing that both of them eat so fragrant, others also use chopsticks. When retreating, even if they fight with monsters, they can eat and eat, they are too lazy to do it. Just to eat some wild fruits, they have not eaten fresh vegetables for more than a year, and they have tasted the taste of food again, not to mention Chu Haoyu, even they have all become food, swept away like the wind sweeping leaves Dishes on the table.

"Fleshy, my flesh?"

"Daddy eats meat one by one"

"Woo? Dad"

It was just that the buns placed by the dads on the child seat saw that the meat and seafood on the table were rapidly decreasing. The three fat puppets suddenly screamed loudly. Their favorite meat was going to be eaten up. Yun Chefu is also a black line.

"Yangyang, don't cry."

Boss Xing Shining looked at his pouting younger brother distressedly, his right hand suddenly flung, and a mixture of strong and gentle two different forces of air was released silently.


"What the **** is this? Is this acrobatics?"

"Brother Che is in charge of your son?"

"Keke ?? Ningning, let's put the dishes down, we won't grab them from you."

"The little master is doing a good job, just not giving them food!"

All of a sudden, all the dishes and dishes on the table flew into the air, and the party who was eating happily became dark immediately.

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