Young Military Rarities

Chapter 422: Summoned by beasts, alone into the sea (2)

There will be no more than that **** beast.

"Does it say anything?"

Yun Che asked heavily.

"Well ?? It's just calling me and not talking."

Shaking his head, Black Feather turned and looked at him. "Beasts are different from humans, and bloodlines represent everything. I have said it before. It is a more pure and advanced **** animal than my bloodlines. He can call me through coercion. , Master, before we go to the northeast, we are afraid to go to the bottom of the sea first. "

If Black Feather is a human, then his face is definitely not good-looking. Facing the beast of this world, the counterpart's bloodline is even more pure and noble, and he basically has no resistance.

"... Go ahead."

After a little silence, Yun Che made a decision, and sooner or later he had to face it. Now that the other party has already found them, they can only be invited.

h "

After meeting with him deeply, Kuroba nodded strongly.

"I'll go with you."

Xing Feng said in a deep voice. The opponent did not know whether the enemy was a friend or not, and he was very strong. It was impossible for Yun Che to go by himself.

"Let's go too!"

Yun Yan and others also asked in unison.

"Where to go, I'll go with the host."

Glancing at them angrily, Black Feather jumped out of the window, and it became twice the size of the Tibetan Mastiff with a bang, and Yun Che jumped out and sat on his back. "I'll take a look with Black Feather. It's okay. Since he only called for Black Feather, not a wave, there should be no bad intentions, at least not now, don't worry. "

"Release the King of the Eagle, and I will go to the beach with you."

At least, he has to stay close to him.

"And the wolf kings, we are going to the beach too."

Ye Xingchen said hurriedly that they would not do anything. They stayed at home honestly, Yun Che shook his head and raised his hand, all six gold carvings were released, and there were ten big variants. Peng, that's what they trained to guard the planting area. Since the land in the southwest is all packed into the base, these rich people are left.

"Let's go to the beach together, sister, the children will trouble you for your care."

In other words, Yun Che patted Black Yu's body, and her huge body jumped out of the courtyard. Xing Feng and others also sat on the backs of the golden sculptures and the greenhouses and flew together towards the sea behind the base. The psionicists who saw this scene along the way all exclaimed, but when they saw the black feathers running by, they also guessed what was going on, and the voice of Yunche Xingfeng was sounded again in the base. .

At the back of the Binhai Base, there are several thick walls that are more than ten meters high. Each wall is fan-shaped, and the ground planes on both sides are low. When the tide comes, as long as it can withstand the first fierce impact, the seawater Evacuation towards both sides, soil and gold abilities have installed dredging pipes on the ground. The water immersed in the ground will return to the sea through the pipes without causing any damage to the base. In order to resist the tide, the coastal waters can be considered exhausting. Trying.

"The base is long!"

Seeing them coming from afar, the soldiers in charge of the patrol on the city wall saluted them collectively, and Tan Weiye sitting on the back of the greenhouse waved his hands. At the same time, the shape of the black feathers soared again, as if with a dark mountain. In the same way, he jumped a few fences easily and went straight to the calm beaches thousands of meters away. Xing Feng and others also drove the golden sculpture greenhouse to closely follow them.

"Master, divide."

Stopping in front of the sea, all four of Black Feather's claws were immersed in the seawater, and he could already clearly see the position of the unicorn beast, but outside he could not use divine power, but only allowed Yun Che to separate the sea level. The repair of the whole root system is almost reaching the soaring period, this kind of thing is undoubtedly a piece of cake.



The dark long knife suddenly appeared, Yun Che's slender body jumped up, and pure innocence was instantly poured into the blade body. Yun Che, holding the handle in both hands, volleyed in a volley, carrying a strong infuriation.

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