Young Military Rarities

Chapter 425: Beautiful beast like the wind? !! (2)

Later, with the aunt's comfort, I learned that my dad was out to do things. As long as they waited obediently, my dad would return soon. Now when I see my dad, the grievances flow up in an instant.

"Hehe? It's Dad's fault. You shouldn't run around, walk, go first. Dad will take you to a very fun place."

Turning around to look at Feng Feng, just as the other side also came over, both of them saw helplessness and happiness in each other's eyes, both laughed out, and Yun Yun next to him saw his hand stretched out toward one of the buns "Ningning, Xiao Uncle hug you, okay? Dad will be tired. "

"…it is good."

Look at dad and look at uncle. Xing Shining hesitated for a while and put out a fat hand. Yunyao Yun and Gu Mingxuan Mo Wenyang who had already rushed back came forward, "Is everything right?"

The questioner was an old man. Yun Yao was red-eyed with excitement and was leaning on Gu Mingxuan's arms to wipe tears. Mo Wenyang went straight to Tan Weiye. After passing through the front, the two gave a tacit punch. I haven't seen it for more than a year, this is even a greeting.

"It's okay, man, let's go in and talk."

After being reminded by Xuanpo, Yun Che was also very cautious. As the master of this world, Xuan Tian, ​​although it is impossible to know anything trivial, but as long as there is a specific object, to know his whereabouts and dialogue, it should be Very easy thing.


The old man was also a good man. After receiving his wink, he nodded tacitly, and Yun Che turned his eyes. "Gu brother is back. What's going on in the southwest?"

"It's all right."

Gu Mingxuan had already seen something, and did not want to say anything in detail. After a group of more than ten birds entered the house, Xing Feng raised his hand and laid a layer of enchantment around the villa. At the same time, the enchantment took shape For a moment, Yun Che also waved everyone into the space.

"Wow ?? Dad, dad, Guoguo, so many Guoguo?"

"So pretty, Dad?"

"Dad? Go down, go down?"

As soon as they entered the space, the buns ’attention was attracted, the same little faces covered with the same excitement, Yun Che Xun Feng and Yun Zhe dropped them one by one, and the buns were planted toward the vegetables and fruits outside the bamboo forest before they stood still. The area flew over, yes, it was flying, and as soon as they flew up, Yun Che and others finally felt their cultivation.

"I build the top of the foundation. When did they cultivate?"

"Brother Che, your son is so perverted, do you know?"

"The peak of the foundation, Jin Dan will condense at any time. Do you say they will be thundered like the boss?"

"I bet on a tomato, I will!"

"I don't bet on food?"


A group of people broke up again, especially when Chu Haoyu took out a tomato and threw it high. The original shocked group expressed a strong disgust in unison. Who would beg tomatoes with him? The tomatoes in the space were still Little? What else does he know besides eating?

"Did you say that? Isn't it just a tomato?"

After catching the fallen tomatoes, Chu Haoyu took it to his lips and took a bite. Everyone rolled his eyes silently. Did they suspect that the tomatoes were abandoned? Is it is it?

"Well, I'll take care of my brother."

He has never understood the war of adults, and the fat man finished his morning conversation, and people flew out with Yuqi. Yun Yao had a lot of things to say. Seeing everyone giggling, I thought there might be nothing, so I went with Wang Suhua and them. After dinner, they are not as powerful as Zhan Yafei. They know that they have a few pounds or a couple of things. For men, it is better that they do not intervene and do what they can do. "I'm going to see the little master, too. Why are you catching me?"

Heiyu wanted to run while he was in chaos, but Yunche had been on the alert and grabbed his tail. "Why do you say I catch you? Go, let's talk about your father."

Angrily thrown him a blank eye, Yun Che suddenly smiled strangely.

"Go, there is no father!"

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