Young Military Rarities

Chapter 426: Black Feather's Once (2)

beast? "

Looking at him, Yun Che said in a deep voice.

Heiyu was shocked and looked back at him slowly, his eyes turned red. "Well, I know, many, many years ago, you told me this way. From then on, I stopped thinking of myself as The half-blood is ashamed. "

After many years, I did not expect to hear the same words. The master is the master. Even if he doesn't remember anything, he still hurts him most and is his most respected master.

"Huh? Go ahead."

As soon as he heard that many years ago, Yun Che was a bit weak, and the whole person leaned on Xing Feng's body. "It seems that we need to know a lot more, let's do it first."

Looking back at them, Yun Yan and others looked at each other with a clear look. "So, your parents are not wrong? Why don't you recognize them?"

Zhan Yafei felt very strange. Instead, she would not only complain, but also try to help them, mysterious and spiritual, their love is worthy of respect.

"Why should I recognize them?"

Heiyu's reflective frosting, then he lay down and said unpleasantly, "When I was three years old, the people of the Kirin tribe found a mysterious follower and also found me. They took us back to the tribe of the water Kirin. At that time, I knew that I was not loved. No matter whether it was an adult or a young animal, everyone didn't like me. They felt that I had harmed their patriarch, and every time they would bully me brightly and curse. I am a wild hybrid. Fortunately, Xuan Ling is the follower of Xuan Po. He is loyal to Xuan Po. Although I can see from his eyes that he does not wait to see me, he always protects me.

Until the tenth year of the orc race, the tenth year of the orc race, all young cubs must participate, I was not yet an adult, I broke in because of curiosity, I do not know is I was too lucky or too ill. I actually met the Poor Qi clan at the venue, but also the Poor Qi patriarch and the direct beasts. They also seemed to think that I existed to harm their young chief.

I ca n’t remember exactly how this happened. I only know that the two clans that are above us are laughed at repeatedly by all clans. When everything is over, I am thrown into the mountains of the beast domain, and since then I have lived alone Over there. "

No one will be sad when talking about these things, and so is Black Feather, but his words suddenly turned sharply and a lot lighter. "However, letting the Kirin and Poor Qi people dream of it is unexpected. I was in The Beast Mountain Range met the owner. His name is Ming Che, one of the seven gods of the supremacy of the gods. Not only did he tell me that I am not a hybrid beast, he gave me the name of the **** of control, and also helped me to rank in the ranks of the beast as a hybrid Finally, he even sat on the throne of the Beastmaster.

Becoming the Beastmaster, I was finally qualified to see what I wanted to know. Until then I did n’t know about Xuanpo and Lingyin. I also knew that they had been assigned to a different space. I originally hated them. After knowing those things, all the hatreds disappeared. I desperately wanted to find them and save them. With the help of the host, I succeeded, and I opened the way to the various alien spaces, but that **** I told him that he wanted to go west. I asked him what questions he avoided, as well as Lingyin's bastard. When he first saw me, he asked Xuanpo whether to go back. Well, I told him, and then there was no more, he just ignored me, shit, what kind of father would I do? One and two are so pitted, one time is fine, and every time after that, they all react the same, until? "

Speaking of which, Black Feather stopped to **** her nose, and her eyes became sorrowful. Every so often, I would go to them by myself or with the master. Until those **** kings noticed this, the people in the **** world felt that the master Too much spoiled me and violated the rules of heavenly tactics, but those so-called **** kings dared not say anything in front of the master, and only provoked the remaining great gods from behind. The master was the most unruly, free and easy of the seven gods. In other words, the great **** who is the least like the great god, even an ordinary person, he will drink and chat with the other person if he is aware of him. The great gods who do n’t know how many times he has abused him do not like him. As a result, they took this opportunity and joined forces to try to destroy the master. The master defeated the enemy with four enemies, and the entire battlefield of the heavens collapsed, and finally fell. "

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