Young Military Rarities

Chapter 429: Yun Che's Shortboard (3)

As before, I do n’t have to worry about food and clothing. As long as I ’m hardworking, I wo n’t be hungry anymore. As the Southwest is getting better and better, the reputation has spread to several bases, and many survivors have poured into the Southwest. Has the qualifications of the first base.

"Ningning them, they are exactly the same as the third child when they were young. It is indeed the seed of my old criminal family."

Xuan Wanxin do n’t mention how happy he is, especially after hearing about the “great achievements” of the little buns, and he could n’t even smile. He likes this kind of child. Such a child will surely be promising in the future. Yes, Dad is right. Ning Ning is indeed the seed of our old criminal family. "

It seemed that he had forgotten his strong opposition. Xing Tianyi also laughed and echoed. Yun Che Xing Feng looked at each other, but did not poke him, as long as he would not continue to block them.

"Beijing is still like that, the big families in the Be district are looking for you everywhere. For this, Grandpa didn't know how many times he had fought with Xiao Lao."

When talking about this, Xun Ye couldn't help but laugh. Old men have never had a door to their mouths, and a group of old people who are hundreds of years old often argue with red ears and a little land. The grandfathers in the family always accuse them of deliberately concealing the whereabouts of the third child and Xiaoche. The grandfather and Ye Lao were entangled and said what was the intention. Then the drool war between the grandfathers began, and they were accustomed to them. Otherwise, the grandfathers would get together and drink tea after the quarrel. Their young people are afraid that they are still fighting and hating each other may be possible.

"That's why they deserve it, and they have so many intestines. Do you think others can't see it?"

The prisoner stared at his eyes, and his old face was full of unhappiness. Everyone had the same opportunity. They would do it by themselves. Who can blame?

"Ha ha ?? It deserves it."

The only Yun Che who could help was with a smile, and the old man suddenly turned to him again, and looked at him for a long time before asking, "Xiao Che, look, they already know that they are wrong, and they are willing to pay Jingnu at double the price. Should you help them again? "

It ’s not that he is soft-hearted towards those old men. He is pitiful to see the survivors in the two districts. The superiors should not be paid by ordinary people. Now both districts c and d are barely able to feed themselves, so districts b and e The district is still not full. He looked uncomfortable in his heart. No matter which district they are, they are all citizens of Huaxia, and they should be protected by their soldiers.

"Master, it's not that I don't help, it's not necessary."

With Yunche's savvy and understanding of the old men, would he not know his intentions?

Turning his head and throwing an eye on Xing Feng, the latter went out with his child in his arms. After the house was enveloped by enchantment, Yun Che continued to say, "At most one year, the zombies will disappear, and the land contaminated by zombies will also change. It ’s clean, and by then the world ’s land can be restored to its pre-doomsday state, and it can be planted at will. ”

Moreover, he did not have time to help them clean up the land. As soon as today, he was ready to go to the northeast.

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