Young Military Rarities

Chapter 430: Small buns Ning Dan (2)

Your safety is a priority. Do n’t forget that you have a family and three such cute sons. "

After receiving the son's eyes, Tian Tianlan looked at Yun Che sincerely. Although Xing Feng was only her nephew, he played with her when he was a child. She also always took him as his biological son. In conjunction, Yun Che was also her. Treated like your own children.

"I know, don't talk about those. How have you been in this year?"

I did n’t want to continue that topic, Yun Che shifted the topic, Yun Yun also echoed in time. “Our retreat is more than a year. After we came out, we only had a general understanding of the changes in the outside world. it is good."

The two brothers sang together, Ye Xingchen and Zhou Zeyu, who were good at communication, joined in. Everyone quickly chatted, and they had buried the heavy topics in their hearts.

"Mingxuan, Xiao Che, come and set up the table for us."

At about twelve o'clock, Yun Yao's voice came out of the kitchen, and Gu Mingxuan and Chu Haoyu quickly got up. "You brother, sit, we'll be fine."

There are a lot of people today. A table is definitely not enough. Chu Haoyu put all the decorations in the dining room into the space, and took out a few large round tables from the space to put it on. Afterwards, he voluntarily ran to the kitchen. To help with the dishes, the little buns ’two-year-old birthday, and so many people gathered together. Yunyao and their women worked a busy morning, and all the recipes were hard vegetables, roasted whole sheep, braised carp, steamed hairy crabs , Garlic oysters, spicy pigeons, all the delicious sea, land and air are made into dishes and put on the table.

"Fleshy, so much flesh."

Looking at the delicious food on the table, the buns sipped droolingly, and Yun Che Xing Feng hugged them with saliva. "Snack goods, but not for you, what?"


"Hee hee, the flesh is delicious!"

Baozi grinned at Dad, and he was ready to be happy.

Xing Feng Yunche sat down on each side of them to take care of a few ancestors later. After everyone was in place, as the grandpa Zeng Wanxin and Tan Jianting both raised the wine glasses. "Come, wish us Ningning, Bobo and Yang Yangsheng said happy! "

"happy Birthday!"

People at several tables raised the wine glasses in unison, and even the buns picked up the juice in their little glasses. Only Black Feather was lying on the back of one of the buns in a sullen mood. He had previously asked the little owners to grab Zhou, the result was ignored by the master Hongguoguo, the fragile little heart was hit with hundreds of millions of tons, and has not recovered yet.





"What's going on? Ningning them?"

Everyone has n’t lowered the cup yet, and there is a sudden boom, followed by two more. A twisted aura of vortex suddenly appears above the bun head, the children are frightened, the adults are not frightened, Yun Che sees Immediately dropped the cup and picked them up with Xing Feng. When everyone returned to God, the family had disappeared into their sight.

"Boss them?"

Where have you been Xing Wanxin trembled and pointed at the vacant seat.

"What happened to the children?"

"It's okay, it should be Ningning and they are going to advance."

Yun Ling and others looked at each other. Ye Xingchen and Jiang Shang had already gone out to re-arrange the enchantment.

"Well, it's okay."

Leng Yehan's sight was swept away, and her voice was echoed. The unreasonable criminal family members were still worried, but Yunyao quietly reassured them that the children are building the peak of the foundation. They all know that Ning Dan will suddenly It's not impossible. The aura outside is not enough for them to advance. Yun Che Xingfeng should have taken them into the space to advance.


In the space, a large amount of aura poured into Yun Che's room. Fortunately, Yun Che had previously taught a few buns how to cultivate. After bringing them in, the husband and wife let them 掐

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