Young Military Rarities

Chapter 436: Public opinion plan showing attitude

Chapter 436 Public Opinion Plan Expressing Attitude

The six families seized the opportunity to control the four families of Mo Yeshu. At present, only the official military and the larger power squads in each district know about it. The rest, such as ordinary survivors, do not know anything. They only know that they are interested. Under deliberate misdirection, there was a discussion about Yun Che's universal space. Of course, the high-level affairs of mutants also tried to hide it.

"Grandpa, they should be okay at the moment, but they may jump over the wall over time. We have tried sending high-level abilities to save people. We have also tried to negotiate with the six major families. In return, they were so determined to catch Xiao Che and force him to surrender the so-called universal space. "

In the large conference room, in addition to the three brothers and sisters of Xing Feng, Ye Xingchen, Jiang Shang, Luo Haitao, and Ji Wenxi, as well as officers at all levels of the Xingjia Army and Mojiajun, Xun Xing simply stated the current situation, because they did not know In terms of space, they all claimed that the distant place was completely empty, and that someone had deliberately used this to engage in punishment. So far, the military has been relatively stable.

However, Xun Ye and Xing Le knew vaguely that things in space were probably true, because when the buns were promoted, they saw them disappear and reappear, but because they did not take the initiative to say, they did not ask, children. On the night of their birthday, they rushed back through the space channel, and then Yun Che's universal space spread to major bases. Even if they had doubts in their hearts, the only thing they could do was to stand up and deny the first time.

"It's true that Xiao Che has the space to live and grow livestock."

But Xing Feng swept away his eyes, but simply acknowledged the matter of space. The brothers and sisters Xing Xing were okay. The officers immediately talked about them. The two brothers and sisters Xing Xing always denied that they felt deceived, but This is just the way, the old men are still very generous, they have no other excessive behavior.

"My father and my brother and sister do n’t know about this. You may wish to think about it. Since this kind of thing has already been kicked by others, it will be revealed sooner or later. If they want to know, why risk denying it by your resentment? ? "

Quietly seeing their reaction and dialogue, Xing Feng further said that in order to rescue his family to solve this crisis, they must first comfort their own people, otherwise they will likely be planted in their own hands in the future.

"The third child makes sense, we all grew up watching Da Leo and Le Le. We ca n’t believe what kind of character they have? In these years, have the criminals treated us badly? Pharaoh, the first two years of the last days, Your son had a fight with the people in the North China Military Region during the military exercise. If it wasn't for the old chief, the North China Army would have sent your son to a military court. Xiao Gong, after the end of the last days, you were bitten off by a piece of meat on your arm. If it wasn't for the young and old, I insisted on killing you until I saw you mutated. I am afraid that you are not today? Everyone here is the backbone of our family of criminals and Mo Jiajun. The favor? In the earthquake and snow disasters of previous years, if it was n’t for the information of San Shao and Mo Shao, who were rotten bones and blood vines in time, I am afraid that there are not a few of us here, including your family members? "

A middle-aged man who looks more than 50 years old and carries the rank of lieutenant general on his shoulder glanced over everyone present. He is not someone else. It is Gu Mingxuan's father and the criminal family lieutenant general Gu Haixun. At that time, he happened to accompany Xun Ye to inspect the troops, so that he could sit here now, or he might be one of the prisoners.

"Look at what you said, we didn't say anything. If there was no criminal family, how could I have Wang Jianshan today? We are old comrades-in-arms, and you are too pissed."

"It's General Gu. That's not what they said earlier. Space matters are nothing. We are a little puzzled."

"Lao Zisheng is a member of the Criminal Family Army, and death is the ghost of the Criminal Family Army. Regardless of what space is not available, anyway, this space is in the hands of our three young ladies. Can he still treat us badly?"

"Yes, if it wasn't for Mrs. San, could we have a full meal in the last two years? You can see what happened outside after the space incident broke out. Mrs. San is right without telling us. Who would dare to say that he wouldn't have a mouth to poke out the door? "

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