Young Military Rarities

Chapter 438: Mutant Research Center (3)

When he came down and asked excitedly, another man quickly used his body to block them. Several mutants passed by in front of the cell. Yun Che looked up and had guessed that the two should be brothers or lovers, otherwise the other would not be so They calmly blocked them, but Yun Che didn't answer his question, but leaned back against the wall and stared straight at him.

"No, don't get me wrong. We have no bad intentions. You also see those monsters. We don't look like that. If you can go out, can you bring us? I promise I won't cause you any trouble."

The man was very anxious, but very calm. Even if the excitement on his face couldn't be hidden, he was trying to suppress all of his efforts. This patience made Yun Che can't help but admire "What guarantee do you take? One The little cell is trapping you. "

While talking, Yun Che also glanced at the steel bars of the cell, admired and admired, and couldn't do the fool thing to continue his admiration.

"I, we are all phantoms, but I do n’t know what was injected by them. I ca n’t use it for the time being. You can rest assured that you just take us out. We will try our best to escape, and we will never pull you back. "

The man subconsciously retorted, his eyes darkened slightly, and then he said with some excitement that he was not stupid. Yun Che's notebook was touched from the space, indicating that his power was not completely suppressed, and he could still use the notebook. After the soldiers left, they were surprisingly calm. The man knew that he must be strong, and maybe he would be the only one who could take them out.

"If you weren't powers, you wouldn't be arrested."

With both hands raised behind their heads, Yun Che didn't say he wanted to help them, and he didn't refuse anymore. Although his words seemed to be ridiculous, he never meant to ridicule them, simply saying a simple fact, ordinary Humans cannot be fused with mutant beasts, and only those with strong vitality can endure the pain of being transformed. The most important thing is that they study mutants to create stronger creatures than zombies. Ordinary people and mutant beasts The combination is totally meaningless, so they won't do the kind of unpleasant things.

"Please, at least you take him out, please."

There was a moment of embarrassment on the man's dirty face, and then another grasp of Yun Che, pointing at the hoarse begging of the man blocking them, tears of pain and despair rolled out of his eyes.

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