Young Military Rarities

Chapter 439: Toshitaka Ugatakata (2)

I know, Xuantian is a group of them. It should not be difficult for him to help them break through the tenth level.

Just treat me as a good day, two very interesting people, intuitively tell me that they should be very suitable for the peak.

Yun Che automatically ignored the first half of his sentence. Yun Che narrowed his eyes and looked like he was asleep. In fact, his air panel was always on, and his mental strength had been parted out to pay attention to the surrounding changes. Those people collect useful information in their mouths.

Just you? Still doing good every day, do you **** make me laugh? Stop talking nonsense, let's say, when will you get away? I'm going out.

However, Hei Yu didn't want him to mix up so easily. After a habitual taunt, he turned the topic back on. Yun Che shook his head angrily. After Hei Yu recovered his memory, the pit was not so pitted, but He doesn't think he's getting more and more stingy?

Is it because the memory is back and I remember that I am already old?

Talk to you, don't pretend to be dead!

He didn't wait for his response for a long time, and Black Feather hurriedly urged.

Don't you let me say when to get away, I have to think about it?

Think of a fart. According to the king, it is better to kill them directly, anyway, they will not be your opponents.

At that time, how powerful he was as the seven gods of the Divine Realm. He had a sky-high sword, smashing the sky and omnipotence, and now he has become so black?

Get off, hit the grass and scare the snake, how can I kill them all in one go?

He rolled his eyes in a bad mood. He is only one person, okay? If he could be killed by one's ability, then Galway should really hang on the root line, and his mutants would be too useless.

Why don't you let them go? Let's kill the Quartet?

Heiyu still refused to give up. The master stayed at the enemy's site for an extra minute, and he was even more worried, eager to rush out now and shred those **** things.

Do n’t be funny, it takes time to kill. No matter how many mutants and high-level people there are in the research center, it is not far from the northeast base. If you ca n’t kill them all in an instant, you may become dead. We are.

He no longer feels confident that he can rely on his own strength to face the entire base, and the soldiers at this base are estimated to be mostly mutants.

咋 So timid, where did you go back then?


Yun Che's answer directly made Black Feather speechless. Indeed, Ming Che was indeed mighty and domineering. A human being had just four great gods. But what happened? If he waited for Hei Qu and Hao Yue to go out and fight again, it is estimated that there would be nothing like Yun Che now. The killing should also pay attention to methods and methods. It is no wonder that it is stupid to take himself in.

In short, you hurry up, don't be out of season.

It took a while before Hei Yu's voice came to mind again.

Got it, I'm waiting for Fei Ye to write back, rest assured, I won't wait for others to stab my neck.

Knowing that he probably stabbed his sadness again, Yun Che didn't fight with him anymore. Chu Shengfang Liu Jun caught eating already and was sitting together. Yun Che thought about it and opened his eyes. wash?"

Their faces were covered with dirt, and they didn't look like anything at all, especially Liu Juncai, because they had just cried, and the tears left two clear marks, thanks to Chu Chengfang's true love for him. Otherwise, I am afraid that I have already abandoned it.


The two were not pupils, and raised their eyes aggressively and scanned a cell of twenty or more square meters. If they could be washed, they would have washed them already. Who would like to be dirty?

"Well, some people will tell you in detail, I thought about it, you don't want to stay outside."

The voice fell, Yun Che waved his hand, and the two disappeared from the cell instantly. At the same time, a group of mutants patrolled past, but they did not seem to find any abnormalities, and went directly.

Heiyu picks up people, finds a room for them to wash, and sends them to Bitan.

Okay, you're fart

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