Young Military Rarities

Chapter 440: Fei Ye, Another Artifact (2)

"Are I tired? Me? A sentence is a big headache, and I will accept you again. I guess I ca n’t even spend the night in the cave? Go, where do you want to stay cool? I do n’t want to exhaust myself. . "

No matter what Fei Ye said, he seemed to be joking, Yun Che also directly said that he was joking, and never thought whether he might be serious, because, regardless of whether he thought seriously, he could not respond to him. Even if it was a joke, he would not give him hope.

"Emma is sad. I do n’t want to be a child. Do n’t regret it later. After this village, there is no such shop. After all, as long as I want to, people who are willing to climb into my bed can go from the northeast to Beijing, I ca n’t hang from your crooked neck tree all the time, I have a sad person on my mouth, and there is no sad feeling on my face, even Yun Che can't see him, maybe only he knows it Is he really sad?

"I'm sorry I'm a crooked neck tree."

Rolling his eyes silently, Yun Che's expression suddenly converged. "Don't be kidding, what have you been doing in the past two years? Why did you come here suddenly?"

After he left, except for the monthly emails, there was basically no news. He did n’t receive his reply before the retreat. Who knows that after one year of retreat, he came here, and also sent so Many research center photos, even if it is him, it should not be easy to mix in here?

"What else can you do to work hard to improve yourself? You know why I left. Although the other bank is only a few hundred years old, the family of the other bank's owner has not been known for many years. This is why all the killers on the other bank are so good. Well, the reason for the rapid promotion after the end of the world, I left the other side after leaving you, not only actively forge difficult tasks to forge myself, but also strive to approach the center of power on the other side, because there are only a few people at the highest level Only then can I get to know the real secret of the other side, and get the qualification to enter the legendary secret realm. At that time, I was so busy that I was either on the mission or preparing for the mission. It took me almost half a year to achieve my purpose. You're retreating, and I won't tell you anymore, I just went to the legendary mystery. "

Having said that, Fei Ye stopped to take a breath and "I will only know when facing the legendary secret realm that is said to have been guarded by the host family of the other side for generations. I know that secret realms are to recognize people, not everyone is eligible to enter. People who have gone in have to determine if they are eligible to enter, as long as they drop a drop of their blood on the bronze ancient mirror at the entrance to the mystery.

"Wait, how does this sound like an inheritance of artifacts?"

After two or three years of cultivation, Yun Che is also becoming more and more keen on things related to cultivation. He recognizes the Lord by dripping blood. This is only a function possessed by weapons refined by the refiner, and his qualifications and qualifications must be identified from the blood. , Then only artifacts can do it. Hei Yu once said that his Optimus Knife is an artifact. Generally, let ’s not talk about heterosexual space. There are very few artifacts in the **** world. It is said that only the legendary seven gods have their own. Artifact, how could there be another artifact in this space?

"Well, it is indeed an artifact, and I did n’t know until I went in and accepted it."

Nodded, Fei Ye confirmed his guess, Yun Che couldn't help wondering "How is that possible? If there is an artifact in this space, how could the space owner not notice it?"

At first, when he entered the space for the first time, he noticed the existence of the Optimus Blade and conquered it. Couldn't Xuan Tian be slower than him?

There is also Xuanzao, who seems to have never heard him mention it.

"He can't detect it unless he can break through and become a great god."

Fei Ye smiled softly and asked Yun Che's increasingly aggressive eyes, "Do you want to keep asking or let me say it myself?"

"Okay, you speak first."

Yun Che pulled a chair and sat down, and Fei Ye said something seriously beyond his imagination. I do n’t know why, he felt that Xuan Tian was a little bit pitiful. The owner of the dignified space might not know too much. Already.

"Let me talk about the other side and the legendary mystery first. The killers on the other side are so strong because the masters of the other side have guarded the legendary mystery for generations and accumulated many ancient martial arts secrets.

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