Young Military Rarities

Chapter 442: Sleeping together tonight? (2)

Go round and round, I would like to see how powerful this mutant research center is. "

"No problem, let's go out first."

The two naturally talked. The eyes of the person on the side flickered and flashed. Unbelievable looks appeared clearly in the eyes. He was also a person from the other side. Although he was engaged in research and not a killer, Fei Ye did what he did. I still know how much, he has never seen such a amiable Fei Ye, a killer chasing the soul, this code is not called casually.

According to what they said, Fei Ye opened the door with a somber face and scolded the donor's gene performance today, and the extremely disgusting wave of the two hands helped him to send him to the cell downstairs. Going up to the third floor, there are three rooms in the entire third floor. Yun Che followed Fei Ye and got into a dumbfounded mess. The mess in the hall was all sorts of research together with scattered paper dust, just like another research room. .

"Do you live in this place?"

Pointing at the chaos in the house, Yun Che's face was dark and he was afraid of having nightmares at night?

"Scientific lunatic house, you have to understand."

Fei Ye has high requirements for Yi Rong's various living habits, so he has not tried to organize it here. He shuttled easily into the messy room. Fei Ye opened a door. "There are three rooms and one hall in total. The bedroom has been changed into a small research room, and there is a science lunatic with the last breath left. I live in this one. "

Basically, there is only one bed and a simple wardrobe in the renovated room. It looks very ordinary, but after looking at the condition of the outside living room, Yun Che feels that this room is just heaven.

"You haven't killed that person yet?"

"No, are you going to see it? My artwork."

Followed in and closed the door, and Fei Ye sat on the bed at will, holding her hands on the bed.

Hearing the three words of artwork, Yun Che's reflective spirit is "Forget it, I'm an ordinary person, I don't know how to appreciate your perverted hobbies, how do you get that person's information and pretend to be so successful, It hasn't been discovered for so long? Before then, you probably didn't know him and couldn't collect information from the side? "

Yi Rong sounds simple, but it's actually very difficult. At least he can't be found in the enemy's pile for a long time like Fei Ye, and he won't be found. The short time is almost the same as just now.

"Just ask him directly? Can anyone know himself better than himself?"

Fei Ye's face had a wicked smile. "That man looks thin and weak, and he is quite resistant. I spent hours forcing him to ask him, and he honestly told the research center and his own affairs that hurt me. I want him to be my collectible, but unfortunately he is too ugly to fit my aesthetic. "

The management of the research center is quite strict. Even Fei Ye took a lot of time to approach him. In the end, he got him in his hands, and it took him almost a night to comprehend his personal information and small habits.

"Don't say anything, I have no interest in your aesthetics."

He didn't want to be assimilated by his ghost-level metamorphosis.

"Hehe only has one room and one bed, and sleep together tonight?"

Speaking of it, Fei Ye patted the bed, and he did n’t have to give away a glamorous wink. I do n’t know when he will return to handsome again. The seductive power is almost killer. Don't you use such a cheap trick? "

It's too foul. This face looks even better than Ye Xingchen. If he hadn't already had his heart, I'm afraid he would have jumped on it.

"Are you cheap? It's okay, it's useless to you. I can't remember what I look like. This face is Hao Yue's face. It will be mine in the future. You better get used to it early. "

Raising his hand and touching his face, Fei Ye found that he still likes it. From Hao Yue's memory, he knows that the former Ming Che likes this face very much, and he always teases from time to time. He feels good.

"Okay, you like it."

Yun Che walked over and sat next to him. "Even if I sleep with you, I still prefer the big room."

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